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Sun | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri | Sat |
Join us for the January Coffee Hour as we discuss the importance of sustainable Winter operations and management. We will be joined by Mary McCarthy, T2 Center Program Director, and Shannon O’Loughlin, T2 Center Educational Program Coordinator, who will provide an overview of the T2 Center's programs, the CT Green Snow Pro training program, and how it can help your municipality manage snow more sustainably and earn points towards action 3.14, Implement Sustainable Snow Management. We will also hear from Tom Modzelewski, Director of Public Works, WPCA Administrator, and Tree Warden for the Town of Ellington. Ellington is a leader in sustainable snow management and is the only town in the state to earn all 60 points available under Action 3.14.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions most third Thursdays of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
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Sustainable CT Event, with Eligibility to Earn Points