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EPA Tools & Resources Webinar - Fifth National Climate Assessment: Resources and Interactive Atlas

January 15, 2025 - 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

This webinar will provide an introduction and overview of the Fifth National Climate Assessment (NCA5). It will walk through the major findings presented in the Overview chapter and provide a demonstration of how to navigate the online report and resources. It will also highlight some of the new features of NCA5, such as Art × Climate, which is the first art gallery to be featured in the NCA. It will guide users to resources including podcasts, recorded webinars, and Spanish translations of the NCA5 chapters. The webinar will also specifically highlight and demo the NCA Interactive Atlas, which provides access to the data compiled for NCA5 and enables users to do custom analysis and mapping.

Event Type: Webinar
Event Category: General Sustainability Event

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