
Sustainable CT Community Certification Report

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This is the Sustainable CT Certification Report of Wilton, a Sustainable CT bronze certified applicant.

Wilton was certified on October 28, 2019 with 240 points. Listed below is information regarding Wilton’s Sustainable CT efforts and materials associated with the applicant’s certified actions.

Contact Information

The designated Sustainable CT contact for Wilton is:

Name:Tammy Thorton
Title/Position:President / Wilton Go Green

Actions Implemented

Each approved action and supporting documentation for which Wilton was approved for in 2019 appears below. Please enjoy this opportunity to view and learn from the information and materials provided.

Notes: Submission content was created by Wilton, and Sustainable CT makes no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the submission, beyond that an individual reviewer approved at least some elements of the action for certification. Further, standards for actions below may have changed, and the documentation listed may no longer satisfy requirements for that action. Finally, approved actions here may include some documents and descriptions in support of action elements that were not approved, in addition to elements that were approved. In preparing your own application, please rely only on the action write-ups for the current certification year to guide your submission. Please contact [email protected] with specific questions.

  • 1. Inclusive and Equitable Community Impacts

    1.1 Optimize for Equity — REQUIRED for All Certification Levels

    20 Points

    Approved Information: We are submitting two Equity Tool Kits in 2019, and we have used "a" and "b" n the documents to differentiate them. 9.1a Wilton Equity Tool Kit Zero Waste Faire aligns with our submission 7.1 Hold a Sustainability Event. (10 Points) The most recent date is April 2019 --> ADD 9.1 b Wilton Equity Tool Kit Taxpayer Survey

    Documentation Details: 9.1 a - Tool Kit Submission 9.1a.1 - Symposium Communication Example & Agenda 9.1a.2 - Symposium Attendees is for page 6 of ZWF Equity Toolkit 9.1a.3 - Forum presentation, pages 15 -1 8 and 21, for page 6 of our ZWF Equity Toolkit 9.1a.4 - Photograph of Sustainable Cutlery at Farmers Market (Summer 2019) 9.1a.5 - Two files with feedback from exhibitors and attendees for the 2019 Faire 9.1a.6 - Example of how we raised greater awareness, discussed on page 8 of tool kit 9.1a.7 - Photographs from Faire aligning with part #4 of the Equity Tool Kit 9.1.b - Wilton Equity Tool Kit Taxpayer Survey 9.1.b.1, 2, and 3 - Examples of publicizing and communicating the survey to taxpayers 9.1.b.4 - The survey document 9.1.b.5 - This is a presentation with all the survey results referred to in our tool kit submission

    Partners: Partners documented andinclude Town staff, Commissions, WGG, Vendors

  • 2. Thriving Local Economies

    2.4 Provide Resources and Supports to Local Businesses

    5 Points

    Approved Information: 1.4.3 Invite Businesses to Events (5 points) Wilton Chamber of Commerce has facilitated more than 3 events on an annual basis for connecting the community with the local businesses. Attached documentation is sourced from the Wilton Chamber of Commerce website.

    Documentation Details: Wilton Chamber of Commerce works with multiple town departments and other community partners for the referenced events.

    Partners: Wilton Go Green sponsors tabling at these Chamber of Commerce events and discusses Sustainable CT topics.

  • 3. Well-Stewarded Land and Natural Resources

    3.3 Engage in Watershed Protection and Restoration

    30 Points

    Approved Information: 2.3.1 Wilton is submitting 2 projects for 30 points, Trout unlimited restoration at Merwins Schenck's Island and at Lions Par.

    Partners: The Town of Wilton has partnerships with several community groups such as Trout Unlimited, the Norwalk River Watershed Association, Harbor Watch, the Boy Scouts of America and several local companies have consistently worked to implement Watershed Action Plan priority projects.

    Additional Information: Norwalk manages the Norwalk River Watershed that supplies Wilton's water

    3.9 Manage Woodlands and Urban Forests

    10 Points

    Approved Information: 2.9 all elements: (10 points) 2.9.1: Establish a Forestry Advisory Committee (FAC), updated 7/10/19 2.9.2: FAC Tree Planting Program

    Documentation Details: - This is the link to the Tree Committee July 10, 2019 meeting and other Tree related resources.

    Partners: Tree committee works with Town Conservation Department

    3.10 Facilitate Invasive Species Education and Management

    5 Points

    Approved Information: 2.10.1: Municipal Removal of Invasive Species (5 points)

    Documentation Details: Wilton utilizes mechanical plant removal and biological control measures whenever possible. Herbicides are used in specific cases to spot treat areas after other efforts have been employed and exhausted. Examples of these projects include the removal and management of invasive lily pads at Horseshoe Pond and the removal of aquatic invasive plants and terrestrial invasive plants at Kent Pond as outlined in the word document "Removal of Invasive Species"

    Partners: The Department of Environmental Affairs has been assisting the Conservation Commission in the planning and implementation of invasive species removal projects.

    3.11 Implement Green Grounds and Maintenance Program

    10 Points

    Approved Information: 2.11. Inventory (10 points)

    Documentation Details: All Wilton Parks and Rec fields are fertilized twice per year with 1.5 lbs of nitrogen per1000 sq feet. 75% of the nitrogen is slow release from Polyon. None of the fields have impervious surfaces. The Town manages 500+ Acres in total.

    Partners: Town Parks and Rec department with support from Parks and Rec commission

    Additional Information: The Town doesn't have exact measurements by field, but in total, manages 500+ Acres across all properties. All Wilton Parks and Rec fields are fertilized twice per year with 1.5 lbs of nitrogen per1000 sq feet. 75% of the nitrogen is slow release from Polyon. None of the fields have impervious surfaces.

  • 4. Vibrant and Creative Cultural Ecosystems

    4.1 Inventory Tourism and Cultural Assets

    5 Points

    Approved Information: 3.1.2 Wilton has current Profile on CTVisit (5 points) where natural resources, performing arts, and other cultural assets are featured.

    Documentation Details: This is the link on the Visit CT website that features all the events, tourist attractions and cultural assets. As you can see from this example, there are current events, like the 2019 Season's farmers market. This link provides contact information, dates, admission information, etc. Further the click through from the ctvisit website links to the Wilton Chamber of Commerce pages.

    Partners: none

  • 5. Dynamic and Resilient Planning

    5.4 Assess Climate Vulnerability

    5 Points

    Approved Information: 4.4.2. Identify how the secondary impacts of climate change are likely to affect your community. infrastructure damage or failure, and cultural resource damage or destruction. (5 points)

    Documentation Details: Submitted, A copy of your completed Climate Vulnerability Assessment including a list of priority vulnerabilities from 2016 and key documents being updated as part of 2019 POCD update.

    Partners: none

  • 6. Clean and Diverse Transportation Systems and Choices

    6.1 Implement Complete Streets

    60 Points

    Approved Information: 5.1.6: Transportation projects--15 points per project for a total of 60 points: The Town of Wilton is submitting 4 separate projects partnering with the Norwalk River Valley Trail team. These 4 separate trails have either been completed or are in the fund raising/implementation phases during the period of August 2016-August 2019. These projects are: 1. Completed- East Side of Wilton Loop-Wolfpit Road and Rt. 7 to just short of Skunk Lane (completed and extends approximately two and a quarter miles ) 2. Completed -West Side of Wilton Loop runs from Wolfpit Rd and Rt. 7 to Horseshoe Park (completed and more enhancements planned for 2020) 3. In planning - WilWalk section of the Loop connecting the Wilton portions of the loop to Norwalk. This is very far down the funding path with funds secured locally and through CT Deep. Land has been appropriated and designs are complete. 4. In planning - Expansion of The Wilton Loop extension from Skunk Lane headed toward Pimpewaug Road funding and planning is underway

    Documentation Details: Norwalk River Valley Trail link I have attached an email from Charlie Taney, Executive Director Norwalk River Valley Trail, Input for Sustainable CT Complete Streets. His official memo outlines the 4 projects and the dates there were undertaken/completed.

    Partners: Norwalk River Valley trail team, CT DEEP, WGG

    Additional Information: The Norwalk River Valley Trail is a multi town trail system. Wilton was amongst the first towns to allocate town land adjacent to CT state land for this project. During the period of August 2016 to August 2019, several separate sections of the trail have been completed. Further, fund raising and planning has been completed and/or are in process for new sections of the trail that connect Wilton to Norwalk and Ridgefield. 4 of those projects are represented in this document.

    6.4 Support Zero Emission Vehicle Deployment

    5 Points

    Approved Information: 5.4.4: EV charging station on municipal property (Wilton Public Library), 5 points, uploaded 7/8/19 and on Comstock Community Center.

    Documentation Details: Documentation of Wilton's EV charging station on Wilton Public Library property can be found highlighted on the last page of document entitled "5.4.4 DEEP EV Charging Station Inventory." This document is the latest inventory of EV charging stations in CT from CT DEEP. Document "5.4.4 Wilton Public Library Webpage on Charging Station" is further documentation of the charging station's presence on municipal property,

    Partners: Wilton Public Library, CL&P. See document "5.4.4 Wilton Public Library Webpage on Charging Station" for details on this partnership.

  • 7. Renewable and Efficient Energy Infrastructure and Operations

    7.9 Participate in and Promote the C-PACE Program

    5 Points

    Approved Information: 1.6.1 Opt In to C-PACE (5 points): Town of Wilton Signed C-PACE agreement and MOU for C-PACE marketing for a December 2013 event. C-PACE agreement still in effect.

    Documentation Details: Signed documents not submitted in PDF format as requested.

    Partners: Event run by Wilton Energy Commission with Support of First Selectman Bill Brennan, Mark Robbins of MHR Development, and Energize CT CPACE team

    Additional Information: Attached signed agreement and resolution documents provided by Nicholas Zuba as requested.

    7.1 Benchmark and Track Energy Use

    5 Points

    Approved Information: 6.1.1 Track Energy Use in Municipal and Board of Education Buildings (5 points), 2019

    Supporting Documentation:

    Partners: None

    Additional Information: We have sent the output of the Star Energy Manager to Lynn Stoddard and others. Before doing so, I also spoke to Andy Brydges of Eversource and advised him that we were getting oild data for 2015 and that I would like to enter that info into Energy Star and then resubmit the Energy Star output.

    7.4 Increase Use of Renewable Energy in Municipal Buildings

    10 Points

    Approved Information: 6.4.1: Purchase or install Class I clean energy sources to power municipal buildings (_10_ points), calculator completed April 2018 to March 2019

    Documentation Details: Renewable Energy Calculators for the two solar systems installed in two of our schools in Wilton,

    Partners: Wilton went through a comprehensive vetting process to identify potential installers. After due consideration Wilton chose Kingspan as the turnkey installer and participated in the negotiations between Kingspan and the CT Green Bank. The CT Green Bank is the owner, operator, and maintainer of the systems and Wilton receives the power from the system under a PPA with the CT Green Bank.

    7.5 Develop a Municipal Energy Plan

    10 Points

    Approved Information: 6.5.1: Develop a Municipal Energy Plan, published 03/2012 6.5.2: Formally adopt plan, endorsement letter created 8/6/19 (10 points total)

    Documentation Details: Document "6.5.1 Renewable Energy Multi-Year Plan" elaborates on the goals and successes of the Wilton Municipal Energy Plan and its adoption.

    Partners: None.

  • 8. Inclusive Engagement, Communication and Education

    8.1 Hold a Sustainability Event

    15 Points

    Approved Information: Wilton has hosted a number of sustainability-related events in the past 12 months. Info about a dozen such events is being submitted for a requested 15 points of credit towards our certification. Town's contribution is Events held on town properties. 7.1.1 Zero Waste Faire (5 points), 3/23/19 For 10 more points in this action... 7.1.2. Summer Street Fair, 7/20/19 7.1.3. Farmers Markets, 8/28/19 7.1.4 Town-wide Clean-up Day, 5/4/19 7.1.5 Schenck's Island/Merwin Meadows (SIMM) Parks public mtg, 4/28/19 7.1.6 Passiv Haus Tour, 11/17/18 7.1.7 Blue Zones Project town-wide meeting, 10/23/18 7.1.8 Winter Carnival, 1/27/19 7.1.9 Summer Music 4-Concert Series, ending 7/25/19 7.1.10 Plan of Conservation & Development special public input mtg, 7/18/19 7.1.11 Cannon Grange Agricultural Fair and Expo, 8/25/19 7.1.12 Documentary film screenings (2) of "Straws," 1/9/19

    Documentation Details: 7.1.1 Zero Waste Faire sponsors, helpers and donors are shown on slides 4, 5 and 6 in the Slide Show

    Partners: For each of Wilton's sustainability- and community culture-related events that are described as part of this Action, the partners are described in the appropriate column of the template. Special mention should be made of the other municipalities that are currently part of the ad hoc organization known as Sustainable Fairfield County — which Wilton co-founded. Each mbr Fairfield County municipality orchestrates and hosts a specially-themed Sustainability event (Nature, Zero Waste, Green Wheels, Farm-to-Table, etc.). The month-by-month timing is coordinated with fellow member towns, and the towns pledge to cross-promote one another's events so there can be broader public participation. A primary example of this is Wilton Go Green's Zero Waste Faire, held in March.

    Additional Information: "Participate": This friendly directive in a one-word sign is posted around Town Hall in Wilton, and we are pleased to report that good public participation in Town affairs is now the norm. Once mostly a bedroom community for New York City commuters, today the Town of Wilton is truly blessed by having so many dedicated volunteers who work together to solve problems and make the town a great place to live and work and go to school. The collaboration among the town's many NGOs makes community events quite enjoyable. A special note about our biggest community event to date: The 2nd annual "Zero Waste Faire" is one of three different waste management initiatives the the Town is doing. Each is done for a specific and separate group of stakeholders, and the Faire is geared to serve residents of all ages from towns in southwestern CT. We are now meeting with staffers from Social Services and Senior Services in the region to ask how our 3rd annual Faire next March might feature new activities and exhibits of special interest to older adults.

  • 9. Strategic Materials Management

    9.4 Compost Organic Waste

    5 Points

    Approved Information: We are applying for 5 points in Action 7.1a — Food Waste Prevention in Wilton's four public schools' cafeterias. Originally launched in the Fall of 2016 with a special waste audit at our Middlebrook School and the subsequent installation of bins and refrigerators, Wilton's ongoing Zero Waste Schools Program helps students, staff and families change behaviors by diverting the material to the highest and most valuable outlets in the waste ecosystem. Students and staff are asked to sort their waste into five areas: DONATION, compost, recycle, liquid and waste. Participation in our Zero Waste Schools program empowers students by engaging in an environmentally conscious behavior that creates a culture of conservation in our community. The new school year just started this week, and thanks to many lessons learned, the new best practices are off to a good start. Documentation for 5 points: 7.8.1a Wilton Schools Food Waste Prevention educational slide show, updated 3/28/19 7.8.1a Spring 2019 campaign communiqué to parents, 3/18/19 7.8.1a Fall 2018 campaign communiqué to parents, 10/22/18 7.8.1a ZWS Website header, Spring 2019

    Documentation Details: • A photo of Middlebrook School's culinary arts teacher Heather Priest appears in Slide 4 of the document "7.8.1a WiltonSchools-WastePrevention PPTSlides.pdf," above. Heather is demonstrating to kids how to donate unwanted food by using one of the district's Donation refrigerators. • Food waste prevention tips are described on pages 1 and 4 of the document "7.8.1a Wilton Zero Waste Week Parent Education SPRING 2019" pdf, above. • Food waste prevention tips are described on pages 1 and 2 of the document "7.8.1a Wilton Zero Waste Week Parent Education FALL 2018" pdf, above

    Partners: One by one and as early as March 2015, Wilton's 4 schools joined the Institute for Sustainable Energy's GreenLEAF Schools program, which helped to establish a District-wide appreciation for being resourceful, starting with School Superintendent Dr. Kevin Smith. So the schools responded positively to the suggestion that the cafeterias all get specially made, clearly designated places for food waste, food donations and recyclable materials. Custodial staff and faculty have been helping the students understand the value of food and other energy-intensive materials that are used to get good food to the right place at the right time. Other assistance comes from Chartwell's (Wilton's contracted school food service company) and the town's MSW haulers.

    Additional Information: Note that Wilton has actually launched three different waste reduction programs. Each has a specific and separate group of stakeholders. This "Wilton Zero Waste Schools" program described in this Action 7.1 involves only the town's four public schools and their cafeterias. Wilton's K-12 students are learning respect for the economic and environmental benefits that can be realized if they manage waste responsibly. Waste prevention is the most important aspect of waste management, and helps make the case that "waste is actually a resource in the wrong place."

  • 10. Optimal Health and Wellness Opportunities

  • 11. Healthy, Efficient and Diverse Housing

    11.1 Implement an Affordable Housing Plan

    10 Points

    Approved Information: 8.1.1: The most recent municipal Partnership for Strong Communities housing data profile and housing data analysis worksheet (worksheet 2) which was presented on August 12 to the Board of Selectman (10 points).

    Documentation Details: Submitting 2 PDF documents, 1) the most recent municipal Partnership for Strong Communities housing data profile and 2) housing data analysis worksheet (Sustainable CT 8.1.1 Housing worksheet 2, which was presented on August 12 to the Board of Selectman.

    Partners: none

  • 13. Innovative Strategies and Practices

    13.1 Implement Your Own Sustainability Action

    15 Points

    Approved Information: 10.1. Innovation. (1) Conducted a survey to determine the spending priorities of Wilton taxpayers, 2018 (5 points), and (2) Formed the Zero Waste Schools Coalition for schools in CT and beyond to connect, learn and share ways to introduce or enhance programming to reduce waste in schools, ongoing (15 points)

    Documentation Details: 10.1 Wilton Tax Payer Survey Document 10.1 Wilton Flyer - One Page Document Communicating Survey 10.1 October Press Release, text of press release 10.1 November Press Release, text of press release 10.1 Card with URL for tax payer survey 10.1 Wilton Tax Payer Survey Results - shows the results of the survey including those noted on pages 9 & 10 of Wilton's action submission. The salient points of the eight 10.2 documents describe in self-evident ways the Oct 2018 inception of the Zero Waste Schools Coalition, and the enthusiastic regional uptake of the Coalition's mission to prevent and reduce waste in school cafeterias. The longest of those documents is the 4-page ZWS Coalition Member Updates 8.28.19 PDF which briefly describes the recent activities of some of the region's Coalition mbrs — 3 in southwestern CT., and 2 more in nearby Westchester County that have joined our Coalition.

    Partners: 10.1 None, other than town staff and various officials. 10.2 ZWS Coalition partners include the Housatonic Resource Recovery Authority, the Center for Eco-Technology from MA, the Dept of Energy & Environmental Protection and representatives from sustainability organizations and schools in Branford, Darien, Durham, Easton, Fairfield, Greenwich, Haddam, Mansfield, Milford, New Canaan, New Haven, Newtown, Norwalk, Redding, Stamford, Waterbury, Weston, Westport and Wilton. Both the Oct 17, 2018 Coalition mtg — its first — and the March 23, 2019 Coalition mtg were hosted by the Wilton HIgh School with School administrators, faculty and custodial staff in attendance.

    Additional Information: Note that Wilton has actually launched three different waste reduction programs in the past three years. Each addresses a specific and separate group of stakeholders. As each program grows, we are often surprised at some of the challenges that manifest themselves in very different ways. The Zero Waste Schools Coalition is primarily geared to professional educators, school staffers and parents from eastern CT who advocate for and implement best practices in waste management in school cafeterias. The multi-town collaboration is facilitated by in-person meetings, email communiques to nearly 90 people, templates of attractive signage and promotional materials, and the sharing of lessons learned. Because Coalition members represent large cities as well as small towns, and include people from diverse ethnic and economic backgrounds, the new eco-friendly policies that are being forged will be better and more broadly adoptable, due to the diversity of inputs. Also, progress can be measured quantifiably by tracking over time the weight of the waste categories, be they compost, recyclables or un-re-purposables, and by tracking the amount of un-used food that is being donated. The pride that k-12 students can feel when taking responsibility for the ways they handle meal-related materials should build confidence and environmental stewardship. While building this Coalition, Wilton's leaders have traveled to other municipalities, and learned how various towns manage their municipal transfer stations and hauling contracts. So we look forward to supporting our general populations and our businesses in better waste management practices as well.