Sustainable CT Partners
The Connecticut Conference of Municipalities

The Connecticut Conference of Municipalities is a founding partner in the program creation, development, and outreach to municipal leaders.
Technical Assistance Partners

National Network

Sustainable CT is proud to be a part of the Sustainable States Network (SSN) and to participate in the Steering Committee.
Initiated in 2015, SSN is composed of representatives from 15 statewide sustainability programs from across the United States, all targeted at the local government level. In its first year, the Network established a shared mission, vision, and decision-making framework in order to grow and advance its common objectives and support its individual organizations.
The purpose of the Network is to connect and align statewide sustainability programs, enable its members to share resources and best practices, foster the success of local sustainability initiatives, and collaborate on projects that advance our shared goals. Ultimately, SSN's vision is to build a future where sustainability is the norm for every community.