Action Benefits
In addition to the overall benefits of participating in Sustainable CT, every Sustainable CT action can produce multiple community benefits, depicted by the following icons:
Environmental Impacts
Cleaner air and water, and enhanced preservation of land and natural resources.
Greenhouse Gas Reductions
Reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
Health and Wellness
Optimal health and wellness for all residents.
Cost Savings
Cost savings to your municipal budget and operations.
Economic Well-Being
Stability and growth for local businesses, and job retention and creation.
Climate Resilience
Improved ability of your community to anticipate, adapt and flourish in the face of disruption.
Community Building
Enhanced connection of your residents to your local community, engaged partnership to improve your community, and enhanced resident awareness.
New, improved, and valued relationships between different members of your community. More inclusive decision-making and improved access to services and sharing of benefits with all residents - current and future - regardless of race, income, ability, age, gender, sexual orientation, etc.