COG ColleCTive Climate Action Plans

The COG ColleCTive is a collaborative effort by the Council of Governments (COGs) in CT to coordinate the development of their Regional Climate Action Plans. Regional Climate Action Plans are intended to provide recommended strategies for metropolitan areas to mitigate the production of Greenhouse Gases. The COG ColleCTive has partnered with Sustainable CT to host their Climate Action Plans and shared resources.
Four Regional Climate Action Plans (and a State Plan) are in development. The study areas for each plan are outlined below.
Climate Action Plans
New Haven-Milford MSA Climate Action Plan
Hartford-East Hartford-Middletown MSA Climate Action Plan
Worcester, MA- CT MSA Climate Action Plan
Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk MSA Climate Action Plan
Shared Resources
ColleCTive Climate Action Summit Event Summary - A collection of findings from stakeholder summit intended to inform and shape the recommendations for the Climate Action Plans.