Here you will find all the past webinars that relate to Sustainable CT. Recordings of archived webinars can be found on our Trainings & Events calendar. Click on the links below to access previous recordings related to:
Sustainable CT Coffee Hours
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Public School Composting and Food Diversion Programs
March 20, 2025
Join Sustainable CT for our March Coffee Hour about public school composting and food diversion programs. We will learn more about how the Town of East Lyme, Town of Fairfield, and Town of Suffield have successfully implemented composting and food diversion programs in their schools. This coffee hour is a timely example of communities addressing school food scrap recycling, as K-12 schools were recently added to the Commercial Organics Recycling Law which goes into effect July 1, 2026. We will be joined by Sherill Baldwin from DEEP to learn more about the law and how it aims to address k-12 food scrap recycling.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions most third Thursdays of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Understanding the Roles of Municipal Sustainability Staff in Connecticut
February 20, 2025
Join Sustainable CT for our February Coffee Hour about the roles of municipal sustainability staff in Connecticut! Cecelia Drayton, Director of Sustainability for the City of Hartford, Megan Granato, Sustainability and Resilience Manager for the Town of Groton, and Danielle Petretta, Environmental Sustainability Coordinator for the City of Stamford will be speaking about their work, how their communities are tackling sustainability, and answering your questions.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions most third Thursdays of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Sustainable Winter Operations & Management
January 16, 2025
Join us for the January Coffee Hour as we discuss the importance of sustainable Winter operations and management. We will be joined by Mary McCarthy, T2 Center Program Director, and Shannon O’Loughlin, T2 Center Educational Program Coordinator, who will provide an overview of the T2 Center's programs, the CT Green Snow Pro training program, and how it can help your municipality manage snow more sustainably and earn points towards action 3.14, Implement Sustainable Snow Management. We will also hear from Tom Modzelewski, Director of Public Works, WPCA Administrator, and Tree Warden for the Town of Ellington. Ellington is a leader in sustainable snow management and is the only town in the state to earn all 60 points available under Action 3.14.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions most third Thursdays of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: A Summary of State Climate Action Planning Efforts
November 21, 2024
During our November Coffee Hour, Kyle Shiel from the Capitol Region Council of Governments and Christine O’Neill from the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments will provide a summary of climate action planning efforts that have taken place across the State and how local governments can build on these efforts.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions most third Thursdays of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Celebrating Five Years of Community Match Fund Success
September 19, 2024
Sustainable CT’s Community Match Fund is turning five! Since launching the Community Match Fund in 2019, over $4 million has been invested to support hundreds of projects in communities across the state. Join us to hear from several different project leaders who will speak about the lasting impact of their project, and how they turned their vision into reality with the support of their neighbors and Sustainable CT’s Community Match Fund.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions most third Thursdays of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Tackling the Waste Crisis in Connecticut - Municipal Organic Waste Initiatives
August 15, 2024
Connecticut is facing a waste crisis. Cities and towns are responding to these challenges by implementing organics diversion programs such as composting – reimagining what “waste” is. During this webinar, you will hear from community leaders as they tell their organics diversion stories. We will hear from Jean Speck, NHCOG Senior Regional Planner and Former Kent First Selectwoman, Kim O'Rourke, Recycling Coordinator for the City of Middletown, and Jennifer Heaton-Jones, Executive Director of the Housatonic Resources Recovery Authority and working in collaboration with the Town of Ridgefield.
Learn from community leaders about the successes and challenges they’ve faced in implementing their diversion programs, as well as common funding sources and program impact. This webinar will highlight the accomplishments at several scales, including small and large municipalities, as well as regional authorities, so there is something for everyone! There will be time for questions and you may find these projects can be implemented in your communities too.
This webinar is the culmination of an inventory completed by the 2024 Sustainable CT Fellows, which fostered the creation of organic waste diversion factsheets. Resources now available to municipalities interested in completing Sustainable CT Action 9.4 Compost Organic Waste. Fellows looked across the state at municipal organics diversion projects and identified trends. During this webinar, you will learn about common themes, funding sources, and program impacts to get a sense of what is happening in cities and towns across Connecticut to address this issue.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions most third Thursdays of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Question and Answer Session on Fall Certification
July 18, 2024
The Sustainable CT Coffee Hour is back from it's June vacation to discuss anything and everything related to our fall certification cycle. Yes, before you know it, the fall certification deadline (August 20) will be upon us, so please plan to join our July Coffee Hour when we'll be answering any and all questions about the certification process.
AND please note that the Coffee Hour will be moving from Friday to Thursday as of July. "Third Thursday" just sounds so much better!
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions most third Thursdays of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Organic Waste Management featuring the Connecticut Green Bank Environmental Infrastructure team
May 17, 2024
Join Sustainable CT and the Connecticut Green Bank’s Environmental Infrastructure team for a coffee hour on organic waste management. Hear some examples of municipal efforts to reduce organic waste and compost, learn about the Green Bank’s interest in supporting organics recycling solutions, and provide feedback on what resources would best support your municipality in managing waste and organics.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions most third Fridays of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Building Resilience in CT Communities – Funding and Technical Tools Available
April 19, 2024
Hear from two powerful organizations about resilience funding and tools - CT Sea Grant and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
CT Sea Grant's LIS Resilience Resource Hub serves as a comprehensive online resource center, offering a wealth of tools, information, guidance, and inspiration to support the sustainability and resilience of Long Island Sound communities. Developed in response to stakeholder needs, this hub acts as a one-stop-shop for resources related to climate resilience planning and project implementation.
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation's Long Island Sound Futures Fund (LISFF) supports initiatives to improve water quality and foster resilient communities, all with the ultimate goal of supporting the health and living resources of Long Island Sound.
For our next Coffee Hour, staff from CT Sea Grant and the LISFF will share information about these resources and provide guidance on how they can support climate resilience efforts in your community.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions most third Fridays of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: The Art, Science and “Magic” of Recycling Education
March 15, 2024
Join us for an engaging Coffee Hour focusing on the art, science and “magic” of recycling education. Cyril "CJ" May, Refuse/Recycling Coordinator for the City of Waterbury, brings a wealth of experience and insights into sustainable waste practices and public outreach. From standard practices like door knocking to more elaborate, innovative strategies like recycling magic shows, our host, and perhaps a special guest, will be available to share their perspectives on how to engage in effective recycling outreach. CJ will cover 1) best ways to use traditional recycling education methods, 2) some new “best practices” as well as 3) outside-the-box magic tools useful to magician and “muggle” alike. Don't miss this opportunity to caffeinate, connect, learn, and be inspired! Learn more about CJ’s “enviromagic” outside of Waterbury at www.betterworldmagic.com.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions most third Fridays of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: A Pathway to Gold
February 16, 2024
Come one, come all for the first session of our “Pathway to Gold” webinar series: Action 8.6, Collaborating with Other Municipalities on Sustainability Actions. Learn about this required step for Gold certification, hear from municipalities that have completed this action, share your experiences with municipal collaboration, and have your questions answered by Sustainable CT staff.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions most third Fridays of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Program Updates for 2024
January 19, 2024
Happy New Year from ours to yours at Sustainable CT. Let's start it off on the right (not the left) foot, with a conversation on how Sustainable CT has simplified and streamlined it's application process for 2024 featuring Kate Richard, Program Manager for Sustainability Best Practices.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions most third Fridays of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Understanding Contaminated Recycling & Strategic Materials Management Practices That Help Municipalities Reduce Waste
November 17, 2023
We're not here to waste your time. National Recycling Day is right around the corner - November 15th - and Marc Morgan, strategic account manager from Casella Waste Management will be joining us to talk about all things related to contaminated recycling. What is contaminated recycling? What contributes to contaminated recycling? Where does recycling go once it's contaminated? How can municipalities reduce their contaminated recycling? We'll also hear from a few special guests who will share their challenges and successes in reducing waste in their communities.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions on the third Friday of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: New Actions and Revisions for 2024
October 20, 2023
We've just finished this year's certification cycle (congratulations, 2023 certified towns!), so now it's time to sit back, relax, and take it easy, right? Heck, no. It's on to 2024! For our next Coffee Hour, we'll be sharing new actions and revisions for the coming year and providing an opportunity for attendees to share their feedback on proposed program changes. We really want to hear from our municipal partners and friends for this, so please join us.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions most third Fridays of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Communications Support for Certified Communities
September 15, 2023
Even the Coffee Hour deserves a break, and its taking August off to unwind and decaffeinate. The Coffee Hour will return - tanned, rested, and full o' the beans - on SEPTEMBER 15th. We'll be discussing communications - the tools, methods, strategies and support that certified towns need to engage with their communities, stakeholders, and partners about their sustainability successes and aspirations. After a little R&R, we hope you'll help us renew the conversation!
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions on the third Friday of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Question and Answer Session for 2023 Fall Certification
July 21, 2023
You don't want to wait until the last minute to have your questions answered about Fall Certification. We're dedicating our July Coffee Hour to all things certification - responding to your queries, helping with your challenges, and celebrating your best practices. Together, we can set up for success.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions on the third Friday of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: 2023 Legislative Session Update - CT General Assembly Action Impacting Municipalities
June 16, 2023
Please join Sustainable CT and Brian O'Connor, Director of Public Policy and Advocacy for the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities, for our (virtual) June Coffee Hour. Brian will share results of the 2023 legislative session of the CT General Assembly, focusing on issues that impact municipalities. As always, we'll provide lots of time for your questions and discussion.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions on the third Friday of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Winning Federal Grants - We Can Provide Support; Tell Us What Additional Support You Need
May 19, 2023
Federal IRA and IIJA grant opportunities can feel complicated and overwhelming. How can you figure out which grants can help your town and where to get the help you really need to access these funds? Join us for coffee (virtually) to learn about the many no-cost support tools available from Sustainable CT and partners. More importantly, tell us what you (Connecticut towns) need to be able to successfully win grant money from this unprecedented investment in municipal infrastructure, climate solutions, clean energy and more.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions on the third Friday of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Sustainability and Climate Change Communications and Messaging
April 21, 2023
Our special Earth Day Coffee Hour will cover how you can most effectively communicate with your community members, local elected officials, and municipal staff about sustainability. Eric Fine from the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication (YPCCC) will join us to discuss their research on climate change public opinion and messaging. This will be a cross-over event in conjunction with The IMPACT, a Sustainable CT podcast.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions on the third Friday of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Question and Answer Session for Spring Certification
March 17, 2023
You don't want to wait until the last minute to have your questions answered about Fall Certification. We're dedicating our July Coffee Hour to all things certification - responding to your queries, helping with your challenges, and celebrating your best practices. Together, we can set up for success.
Join Sustainable CT for (virtual) informal discussions most third Fridays of each month at 10 a.m. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: The Fundamentals of the Homelessness Response System
February 17, 2023
Our Category 12 Actions focus on Sustainable, Compassionate Homelessness Prevention and the February Coffee Hour will provide an opportunity to learn about homelessness providers and resources for your communities. Staff from the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness and Coordinated Access Network providers from across the state will be on hand to provide information and answer your questions.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions on the third Friday of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are open to all.
Using the Mini Liquor Bottle Fund to Reduce Waste in your Community
January 20, 2023
Please join us to learn from other towns and exchange ideas on effective use of the Mini Liquor Bottle Fund. This Coffee Hour will include: an overview of the law and the funds that have flowed to towns in 2022, examples shared by communities that have used the funds to impact waste reduction, and, as always, a lively discussion. Bring your ideas, stories, and questions to share, but maybe don't spike the coffee.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions on the third Friday of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Check out what's new for 2023
December 16, 2022
For our December Coffee Hour, we will be providing some updates on Sustainable CT for 2023. Including, new actions, GOLD level certification, and a fresh look at our Climate Leader Designation.
Actions updates for 2023 are live, applications are unlocked and they're ready to go! This will be is a great time to connect with us if you have any questions about certification, recertification, CLD, or any of the free technical support programs we have available to help you get a head start in the new year.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions on the third Friday of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: The Reality of Municipal Recycling
November 18, 2022
We're not just talkin' trash. National Recycling Day is almost here - November 15th! - and Jennifer Heaton-Jones, executive director of the Housatonic Resources Recovery Authority in Brookfield, will join us to talk about all things recycling. What is the current state of play in the world of recycling? Where does it really go when it leaves our curbs? Is the effort energy-efficient? Is it cost-efficient? Can we do it better? Bring your 80% post-consumer coffee cups for a refill on November 18th at 10 a.m. to find out. View a copy of the presentation here.
Join Sustainable CT for (virtual) informal discussions most third Fridays of each month at 10 a.m. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Funding Sustainability Actions
October 21, 2022
Finding sufficient and reliable sources of funding for your sustainability projects can be a daunting experience. We're here to help - and help each other - identify, locate and tap into what's available. Grants, Community Match fund dollars, and other state and federal resources - we'll invest the time to cover them all in our next Coffee Hour. In addition to our discussion about CMF dollars, Sarah Watson from DEEP will be presenting on the Climate Resilience Fund and Mary Buchanan from CIRCA will be presenting on the Climate and Equity Grant Program.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions on the third Friday of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: How Are Local Municipalities Responding to On-going Drought Conditions?
September 16, 2022
According to the Hartford Courant, The U.S. Department of Agriculture has declared New London and Windham counties natural disaster areas because of the region’s persistent drought. Fairfield, Hartford, Litchfield, Middlesex, New Haven and Tolland Counties are experiencing Stage 2 level drought. Darien, East Granby, Fairfield, Granby, Greenwich, Groton, Mystic, New Canaan, Newtown, Simsbury, Stamford, Stonington, and Westport are all subject to mandatory water conservation schedules. How is your town coping? Come share your stories and strategies with us and with each other at the next Sustainable CT Coffee Hour.
Join Sustainable CT for (virtual) informal discussions most third Fridays of each month at 10 a.m. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Preserving beaches, protecting communities and combating global warming
August 19, 2022
According to NOAA, most hurricane activity in the US occurs August through October, with a peak just about the time kids return to school in September. And if you think Connecticut’s immune, think again. With global warming adding to the frequency and intensity of weather events, we thought it would be timely and informative to highlight some of the efforts municipalities are making at the local level to mitigate and combat climate change. Hold on to your hats and join us for the August Coffee Hour where Bill Pollack, landscape architect for Fairfield’s Jennings Beach Project will talk about the steps needed to preserve beaches and protect inland communities; and Randy Walikonis, Mansfield School Building Committee chair, will share the trials and tribulations – and triumphs – of pursuing a net-zero building project for the Mansfield Elementary School. The August Coffee Hour is sure to blow you away.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Question and Answer Session for Fall Certification
July 15, 2022
You don't want to wait until the last minute to have your questions answered about Fall Certification. We're dedicating our July Coffee Hour to all things certification - responding to your queries, helping with your challenges, and celebrating your best practices. Together, we can set up for success.
Join Sustainable CT for (virtual) informal discussions most third Fridays of each month at 10 a.m. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: A LIVE STREAM with our 2022 Fellows
June 24, 2022
This is a Coffee Hour built for fun. We'll be live streaming our next get-together at the Adventure Park at Storrs. Bring a thermos and meet our newest class of Fellows - virtually, of course - as they gather to view the world from a slightly higher perspective. Meet & greet and interviews are on the agenda, as well as a few salient discussions about the challenges facing our Sustainable CT Fellows off the ropes course. It's sure to be a fun and informative experience.
Join Sustainable CT for (virtual) informal discussions most third Fridays of each month at 10 a.m. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: A Sustainable CT web site tutorial on certification, including Climate Leaders designation
May 20, 2022
We know that submitting documents and applying for certification points can be confusing. We're here to take the mystery out of it. So, if this is the first time that you're applying for certification, or you're planning to do so in the future, or you're intending to go to the next level and pursue Climate Leadership designation, we invite you to join us for our next informative Coffee Hour. We'll answer any questions you have and provide clear guidance on how to successfully navigate the certification process.
Join Sustainable CT for (virtual) informal discussions most third Fridays of each month at 10 a.m. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are open to all.
Embracing Earth Day with Project Drawdown
April 22, 2022
Ready your cups for an extra special Earth Day Coffee Hour in April - Friday, April 22. We'll be joined by Dr. Jonathan Foley, director of Project Drawdown. Jonathan is a world-renowned environmental scientist, sustainability expert, author, and public speaker. His work is focused on understanding our changing planet, and finding new solutions to sustain the climate, ecosystems, and natural resources on which we all depend. Make your Earth Day extra special and join us!
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions on the fourth Friday of this month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are open to all.
How To Create and Run a Successful Community Match Fund Project
March 18, 2022
For our next Coffee Hour, we'll be sipping the virtual java while discussing all things Match Fund - how residents of registered communities can develop great project ideas that align with Sustainable CT actions, best practices in crowd-source funding, how to publicize your project to ensure the widest community involvement, and much more, with a special emphasis on amplifier funds that we have available in key project areas. The discussion will be led by our own Community Outreach Manager extraordinaire, Joseph Dickerson, so please join us for what is sure to be a fun, helpful and informative hour.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions on the third Friday of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are open to all.
Navigating New Statutory Requirements for Environmental Responsibility by Local Governments
February 25, 2022
Public Act 21-19 created new environmental responsibility and authority for local governments. Under the new statute, Long Island Sound requirements now apply to all municipalities on navigable waterways to the Sound, which is almost all municipalities in the Connecticut. Join representatives from the Western Council of Governments and the Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments for a presentation on this requirements, insights from municipalities with experience on these requirements, and facilitated conversation on next steps toward more sustainable development. We also invite your thoughts on how Sustainable CT, COGs and other partners might provide technical support and assistance to municipalities going forward.
This event is co-sponsored by the Connecticut Chapter of the American Planning Association (CCAPA).
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions on the fourth Friday of this month. We will share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are open to all.
Engaging Community - Compensating for Lived Experience
January 21, 2022
Local governments are working to meaningfully engage constituents in public decisions. An inclusive, equitable approach requires deliberate and authentic outreach to the most affected and marginalized populations. One element of a more comprehensive outreach strategy includes paying people with lived experience in community-based work. Learn about how the City of New Haven’s Food System Policy Division compensates members of its Community Advisory Board and how the Towns of Avon, Manchester, South Windsor, West Hartford, and Wethersfield empowered Sustainable CT to compensate community members to inform their affordable housing plans. We will then facilitate a discussion on how your community might begin exploring fairly compensating community members for their efforts.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions on the third Friday of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are open to all.
Climate Leader Designation for Communities
December 17, 2021
Join Sustainable CT for informal discussions the third Friday of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are open to all.
Sustainable CT is launching a climate designation for communities and we want to hear from you to help shape this pilot year. View this coffee hour to learn more about this designation and how you can provide your feedback.
Meeting Joseph, Sustain Your Sustainability Team, and Navigating Transitions in Municipal Leadership
November 19, 2021
Join Sustainable CT for informal discussions the third Friday of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are open to all.
Come meet our new Community Partnership Manager, Joseph Dickerson. We'll also have a timely conversation about sustaining your sustainability team and navigating transitions in municipal leadership.
Understanding Your Community And Optimizing For Equity With New Local Data Reports from DataHaven
October 15, 2021
Join Sustainable CT for informal discussions the third Friday of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are open to all.
During the month of October, we'll sit down with DataHaven's Excutive Director, Mark Abraham, and Senior Research Associate, Camille Seaberry, as they explain the process of creating their newly developed Connecticut Town Equity Reports.
We'll also hear form Sustainable CT Equity Coaches, Ashley Stewart and Elizabeth McGee, as they explain how municipalities in Sustainable CT can interpret their town's report and how towns can work with a Sustainable CT Equity Coach.
How Can We Help Communicate Your Success?
September 17, 2021
Join Sustainable CT for informal discussions on the third Friday of each month. During the month of September, entertain a conversation with our Communications Manager, Jim Hunt, on what can Sustainable CT do to help participating communities celebrate their accomplishments.
Creating Inclusive Community Growing Spaces
July 21, 2021
Join Sustainable CT for informal discussions the third Friday of each month. Spend some time with Jillian Shea, Youth Education Coordinator, for the Connecticut Resource & Conservation Development Area, as she talks about innovative and varied approaches to community growing spaces.
Meeting the Fellows and Understanding the Sustainable CT Website
June 18, 2021
Join Sustainable CT for informal discussions the third Friday of each month. June's Coffee Hour is all about supporting YOU and YOUR community's sustainability team! Meet the Sustainable CT Fellows working at the state's 9 Regional Councils of Governments and engage in active discussion related to the Sustainable CT website.
Community Conversations with the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness
May 21, 2021
Join Sustainable CT for informal discussions the third Friday of each month. During the month of May, join our guest, Carl Asikainen, Youth Systems Coordinator at the Connecticut Coaltion to End Homelessness as he explains how effective, compassionate homelessness prevention fits into the Sustaianble CT action roadmap!
The Many Flavors of Municipal Collaboration
April 14, 2021
Join Sustainable CT for informal discussions the third Friday of each month. During the month of April, we'll hear from Courtney Linberg and Paul Weissberg on how their communities approached municipal collaboration.
All Eyes on Our No-Cost Assistance
March 19, 2021
Join Sustainable CT for informal discussions the third Friday of each month. During the month of March, we will hear from four of our No-Cost Assistance partners. Including the Connecticut Institute for Resilience & Climate Adaptation, the Connecticut Green Bank, CTRides, and the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness!
Equity Coaching and Old Lyme's Approach to Equity
February 19, 2021
Join Sustainable CT for informal discussions the third Friday of each month. During the month of February, we'll hear from Sustainable CT Equity Coach Ahmad Abojaradeh on the equity coaching process and how communities can approach equity. We'll also hear from Sustainability Team member Cheryl Poirier from the Town of Old Lyme on how her community approached equity when they applied for certification in 2020 and how the Town continues to incorporate equity into their current work!
Organizing Your Sustainability Team with the Town of New Milford
January 15, 2021
Join Sustainable CT for informal discussions the third Friday of each month. During the month of January, we'll hear from Julie Bailey and Stephen Gass from the Town of New Milford as they discuss the Town's process for organizing and mobilizing their Sustainability Team!
Climate Leader Webinars
Sustainable CT: Sustainability & Resiliency Week Celebration
September 25, 2024
As a proud participant in Connecticut Sustainability & Resiliency Week, Sustainable CT will host a unique webinar featuring three outstanding municipal recipients of our Climate Leader Designation: Manchester, Old Saybrook and New Haven.
The Sustainable CT Climate Leader Designation celebrates Connecticut towns that are actively reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions and preparing their communities for the impacts of climate change, while saving money, improving public health, and building community.
Sustainability leaders will share strategies, accomplishments and lessons learned in pursuit of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing resilience to climate change in their communities. This is an excellent opportunity for municipal administrators and sustainability teams to learn best practices and benefit from the experience of these pacesetting towns.
Join us during Sustainability & Resiliency Week: Wednesday, September 25, 10-11 a.m.
This event is part of Connecticut Sustainability & Resiliency Week. Register and learn more about other Sustainability & Resiliency Week events by visiting https://events.ct.gov/.
Sustainable CT: Planning for Extreme Heat - How to Use CIRCA's Climate Change Vulnerability Index
July 13, 2023
The Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation (CIRCA) developed the Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI) to represent a community’s vulnerabilities to two of the most pressing climate change-driven threats in Connecticut – flooding and extreme heat events. The CCVI aggregates three categories (exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity) to calculate relative vulnerabilities across Connecticut. This webinar will focus on the extreme heat CCVI mapping tool and describe potential uses of the tool for local and regional planning, selection of climate adaptation and resilience projects that address extreme heat, and how zoning regulations provide a change to land use policy for heat adaptation.
This webinar is eligible for Certified Connecticut Municipal Official (CCMO) professional development credit from the CT Conference of Municipalities.
Sustainable CT: Resources to Accomplish Action 3.9 Manage Woodlands and Urban Forests
Action 3.9 Manage Woodlands and Urban Forests was updated for the 2023 certification cycle. Join Danica Doroski, State Urban Forester from the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection to learn about urban forest management and resources available to help your municipality complete Action 3.9. Action 3.9 Manage Woodlands and Urban Forests is also included in Sustainable CT's new Climate Leader Designation.
Tackling Sustainable CT's Category 7 (Renewable and Efficient Energy Infrastructure and Operations) with Support from SmartBuildings CT
April 24, 2023
Sustainable CT is pleased to partner with Eversource Energy, United Illuminating, and the University of Connecticut's SmartBuildings CT program to provide energy benchmarking and tracking support to registered Sustainable CT communities within the utility company service territories. Learn more about the SmartBuildings CT program and how it might help your municipality with actions 7.1 Benchmark and Track Energy Use, 7.2 Reduce Energy Use Across All Municipal Buildings, and/or 7.4 Increase Use of Renewable Energy in Municipal Buildings. Amy Thompson from SmartBuildingsCT will also share about how your town can access free professional engineering support to verify buildings with qualifying energy scores for Energy Star Certification for credit towards action 7.3 Achieve High Energy Performance for Individual Buildings, as well as how to access free energy audits for action 7.8 Complete Energy Audits for Municipal Buildings.
This webinar is eligible for Certified Connecticut Municipal Official (CCMO) professional development credit from the CT Conference of Municipalities.
Streamlining Solar Permitting in Your Community
March 22, 2023
During this webinar, hear from representatives from the Great Plains Institute and Cadmus as they discuss the SolSmart designation program and how they can help your community achieve national recognition at no cost. SolSmart recognizes local governments that have taken steps to address barriers to solar energy and provides free technical assistance to accelerate the development of local solar energy markets. Staff from the Town of Manchester, CT will also discuss the steps they took to achieve SolSmart Bronze in 2022.
This webinar is eligible for Certified Connecticut Municipal Official (CCMO) professional development credit from the CT Conference of Municipalities.
Becoming a Bicycle Friendly Community
February 23, 2023
Interested in becoming a Bicycle Friendly Community? More than 500 communities across the nation have achieved the Bicycle Friendly Community designation from the League of American Bicyclists. Beyond earning 10 points for your town as a part of your Sustainable CT certification (Action 6.1.5), achieving at least the bronze-level status in this program will make your community a welcoming place for bicyclists by providing safe accommodations for bicycling and encouraging people to bike for transportation and recreation. Making bicycling safe and convenient are keys to improving public health, reducing traffic congestion, improving air quality and improving quality of life. Hear from Anna Tang, Bicycle Friendly America Program Specialist with the League of American Bicyclists, as she walks through the program, highlighting how to apply and resources available to your community.
Resources for Strategically Managing Your Energy and GHG Emissions
January 25, 2023
Reducing energy consumption and GHG emissions is a challenging venture with many variables! Knowing what to prioritize and how to setup a program for long term success is not easy. Join this webinar to learn about an Eversource program that supports municipalities in developing a holistic approach to managing energy and GHG emissions over the long term.
Tracking Solid Waste Generation in Your Community
June 14, 2022
Wondering how you calculate residential solid waste disposed per person and how you can use this data to reduce solid waste generation in your town? Join us to hear from Jennifer Weymouth of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection as she walks attendees through the steps to calculate your residential solid waste disposed per person and meet the requirements of Sustainable CT’s sub-action action 9.1.1. Ginny Walton, Recycling Coordinator for the Town of Mansfield will share insights about why this information is important, and how a community can use it to reduce waste.
Statewide Resources to Manage Woodlands and Urban Forests
May 17, 2022
Staff from the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s Urban and Service Forestry Programs will present on tools and resources that can help municipalities in CT accomplish Action 3.9 Manage Woodlands and Urban Forests. This will include an overview of the urban and service forestry programs, an introduction to urban and community forestry grant programs, and demonstrations of online tools to assess forest cover (including the American Forests’ Tree Equity Score and UConn CLEAR’s Changing Landscape Maps).
Using Green Energy to Connect and Strengthen Your Business Community
May 5, 2022
Support the sustainability of your ’s business and non-profit community by connecting them to green energy upgrades to their buildings and flexible financing through C-PACE. The Green Bank is partnering with municipalities to reach out and educate building owners about the benefits of C-PACE, helping them to reduce energy costs and focus on their core business. Join us for an overview of the program, examples of effective outreach, and how you can increase sustainability while earning points in Sustainable CT!
Navigating Connecticut's New Electric Vehicle & Energy Storage Programs
March 31, 2022
PURA staff will give presentations on Connecticut’s new Electric Vehicle Charging and Energy Storage Solutions programs that launched on Jan. 1, 2022. Both of these clean energy programs were established as part of PURA's Equitable Modern Grid Initiative and Public Act 19-35.
The presentations will touch on program summaries, objectives, deployment targets, residential and non-residential incentives, performance-based incentives, how to engage with the Authority, and next steps, among other topics. The speakers will close the event with Q&As.
Benchmarking Your Town's Energy Use
March 3, 2022
Sustainable CT is pleased to partner with Eversource Energy, United Illuminating, and the University of Connecticut's SmartBuildings CT program to provide energy benchmarking and tracking support to registered Sustainable CT communities within the utility company service territories. Learn more about the SmartBuildings CT program and how it might help your municipality with actions 7.1 Benchmark and Track Energy Use, 7.2 Reduce Energy Use Across All Municipal Buildings, and/or 7.4 Increase Use of Renewable Energy in Municipal Buildings.
Introduction to SolSmart
February 15, 2022
Representatives from the Great Plains Institute will provide an overview of the national designation and technical assistance program, SolSmart. Funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, SolSmart recognizes local governments that have taken key steps to address barriers to solar energy and provides no-cost technical assistance to accelerate the development of local solar energy markets. Sustainable CT is excited to partner with Great Plains Institute to offer technical assistance to a select number of registered Sustainable CT communities as they pursue Bronze recognition in the SolSmart program. Great Plains Institute staff will discuss this opportunity in more detail during the second part of the webinar.
Community Match Fund Webinars
Sustainable CT: Municipal Success Stories in Food Waste Prevention, Reduction, and Composting
August 3, 2023
Sustainable CT is committed to supporting local leaders in helping Connecticut escape the ongoing waste crisis. Please plan to join us on August 3rd from 2-3pm for a special webinar that will highlight the efforts of Community Match Fund leaders to address the waste crisis through food waste diversion and compost projects.
In addition to learning about best practices and innovative projects, all attendees will extend their group/towns eligibility to receive the enhanced $1.5-to-$1 CMF boost funding for food waste diversion/composting projects to December 31, 2023. Currently, the funding package is scheduled to end on August 13th.
If you, your group or your town have any interesting in food waste diversion or composting, make sure you or a representative join the conversation!
Sustainable CT: Community Match Fund Office Hours - Boosting Compost Projects
June 30, 2022
Sustainable CT is excited to host the June Community Match Fund Office Hour with a focus on Boosting Composting projects. With the generous support of funders, Sustainable CT has dedicated funding to amplify compost and food waste diversion efforts via the existing $1:$1 Community Match Fund program.
How does the Composting Amplifier Match Fund work?
Unlike traditional grant programs, Sustainable CT offers a quick, simple application process (starting with a conversation) with no deadlines, no lengthy review period, and minimal reporting requirements. Sustainable CT helps you create your project description on their crowdfunding platform, provides a crowdfunding coach, spreads the word about your project to bring in support from outside of your networks, and will match up to $7,500 in one-to-one matching dollars from the Composting Amplifier Match Fund. Please contact [email protected] to schedule a call to discuss your project idea at any time.
Sustainable CT: Community Match Fund Office Hours
April 28, 2022
Joseph Dickerson, our Community Outreach Manager, will be holding regular monthly office hours beginning in April. We’ll take the stress and mystery out of running a crowdfunding campaign; we'll feature successful campaign leaders; we'll talk through the process and strategies that it takes to be successful, and we'll share about the support you'll receive from Sustainable CT and our crowdfunding partner Patronicity. Have a question about how to get your project up and running? Join Joseph on Thursday, April 28th at 12 p.m.
Sustainable CT: Composting Success Stories
August 26, 2021
Learn how multiple communities in Connecticut have implemented a variety of successful composting programs and received funding from Sustainable CT. Presenters will address in-community aerobic composting, commercial in-vessel composting, school composting, and transfer station-based food waste hauling. Presentations by Peels and Wheels Composting, Planet New Canaan, and the towns Greenwich, New Canaan, and Stamford will cover what these types of composting are, the process for implementing them, and the lessons that our presenters have learned as they’ve run their programs.
Sustainable CT: Composting & Food Waste Diversion Information Session
June 23, 2021
Sustainable CT's Community Match Fund has fast, flexible funding for composting projects and other initiatives dealing with food waste. During this call we'll provide an overview of the funding program and share great examples of projects we are already supporting.
Sustainable CT Pollinator Pathway Panel
March 25, 2021
Join Sustainable CT for presentations and a discussion about how people across Connecticut are creating and enhancing pollinator-friendly habitats. Speakers will discuss their statewide and multi-town work which contributes to these initiatives, and groups representing individual towns will speak to how they got started with pollinator-friendly projects and programs in their respective communities.
Sustainable CT: Community Match Fund Conversation
March 17, 2021
In line with the prior conversation session last December, we have a few speakers lined up to kick things off by sharing about their Community Match Fund projects: Joe Lanier, will be sharing about his project to develop sustainable multi-use trails at the Rockhouse Hill Sanctuary alongside the town’s Youth Conservation Corps interns, followed by Caryn Furst and Jenny Henkind, who will share about their initiative in Stamford to develop and pilot a food scraps composting program. While focused on very different things, Joe, Caryn, and Jenny all ran hugely successful fundraising campaigns and received great support and partnership from local government, which they’ll share about. After those presentations we’ll open it up to everyone for questions, to share about projects you may be working, and to start bouncing ideas around.
Continuing Conversations – Activating Green Spaces and Implementing Natural Solutions
December 17, 2020
Join this informal gathering space for people working on sustainability projects to connect, inspire, and collaborate. Speakers will share about recent projects that they’ve implemented in their communities.
Re:source:ful, Growing Sustainable Communities
September 26, 2020
Re:source:ful, Growing Sustainable Communities features stories from across our state where people have used grassroots efforts to solve unique local challenges. They’re bringing fellow residents together, and injecting greater resilience and vibrancy to their communities. Re:source:ful is a film for curious people who want to be inspired about making their own communities more resilient and sustainable.
A Young Vision for Future Connecticut Communities
August 6, 2020
The state of Connecticut is evolving, as factors like aging populations and COVID-19 continue to reshape our towns and cities. Current leaders need to respond to the changing times and attitudes of young people and have the opportunity to create better communities for those who live here now and those who will live here in the future. Youth in Connecticut are excited to be a part of the conversation on what that future will be! In this webinar, the Summer 2020 Sustainable CT Fellows present their vision for what resilient, sustainable communities look like, with particular focus on areas such as education, transportation, environment, access, and equity and diversity. We hope that in this webinar, we will be able to show what a newly imagined Connecticut can be as we come into a new decade.
Webinars Focused on Equity
Sustainable CT: Equity Connections featuring the Indaba Team
April 5, 2024
Please join us for Sustainable CT's Equity Connections with the Indaba Action Team on April 5 from 11:30 - 12:30 on Zoom. In addition to our Equity Coaches, our special guests will be the Indaba Action Team. The Team is comprised of concerned, committed, and curious CT Shoreline community members who are exploring, learning about, and becoming more aware of their own implicit bias, as well as how racism is practiced in our culture and communities. They will share their story and what they are doing to build deeper understanding to address racism, including an upcoming Indaba Action Team event supported by Sustainable CT's Community Match Fund.
Thought Partner Solutions x Sustainable CT: Belonging, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Workshop
April 22, 2022
Sustainable CT has joined forces with Thought Partner Solutions to offer a condensed, pre-recorded version of our three-part virtual equity workshop series to share with residents!
Sustainable CT believes that our communities can thrive and truly be sustainable only when social equity is achieved; that people’s race, gender, zip code, etc. does not dictate their life outcome.
For more info on how to build equitable communities using the Sustainable CT framework visit: https://sustainablect.org/support-for-your-town/equitysupport.
Community Engagement in Data (Two-Part Series)
October 19 & October 26, 2021
Collecting data is a powerful way to learn about our neighborhoods and their residents, and a way to inform the steps we need to take in eliciting community change. Involving the community in the processes associated with collecting data is critical to ensure high data quality. This two-part, virtual workshop series will provide practical strategies for involving the community in all aspects of collecting data: including developing data collection tools, data collection and analysis, dissemination of results, as well as presenting findings back to the community.
Session 1: Community Engagement in Data (Part 1)
Part 1 will start by introducing community engagement (e.g., what is it? why is it important? how to facilitate it?), as well as best practice for collecting data from and for the community, including process for community involvement in data collection tool creation and data collection.
Session 2: Community Engagement in Data (Part 2)
Part 2 will continue the discussion around community involvement in the process of collecting data in communities. This session will be specific to the processes of data analysis and sense-making, as well as community involvement in data dissemination. Last, we will share innovative ways to share/present data to the community.
Equity Survey Design Workshop Series
April 8 & April 15, 2020
Community equity surveys are powerful tools for engaging all of our community members. These surveys can help us to see where we are and what we need. Then, put specific plans in action to support those needs. But the quality of the data you receive is only as good as the quality of the questions your survey asks.
This two-part, virtual workshop series will provide practical strategies for creating valid survey questions that are aligned with equity principles with a special focus on communities. We will also discuss how to disaggregate data, and communicate your findings.
Session 1: Methods and Strength Based approaches: Aligning research with Equity Principals Collection Design: What can we Analyze?
Session 2: Discovery & Themes: Choosing What you want/need to talk about. Now what? Communicating Findings
Building our Future Communities with Transformative Justice
September 4, 2020
Join us for a conversation about Transformative Justice and community building. At a time of severe uncertainty and calls for alternative systems join us for a discussion about ways to invest into your community in ways that are owned and run by the community. This session builds off of the previous webinars in our Social Justice Series.
LGBPQ and TGNC Voices in our Communities
August 21, 2020
Join two of our Equity coaches to learn about gender and queer justice, the needs of the LGBPQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Pansexual, and Queer) and TGNC (Transgender or Gender- Nonconforming) communities, and how they relate to the sustainability frameworks in your sustainability actions. This session builds off of the previous webinars in our Social Justice Series.
Disability Justice in the Time of COVID
August 14, 2020
Join us for a session about what is Disability justice, gaps and solutions seen due to COVID-19 for the Disabled community, and ways to becoming more accessible to individuals with disabilities. This session builds off of our #Blacklivesmatter and White Supremacy session.
Deconstructing #Blacklivesmatter and White Supremacy
August 7, 2020
Join us for a session to learn about the #Blacklivesmatter movement and its relationship with white supremacy. We will address questions, such as: what is the #Blacklivesmatter movement, its history and what it is accomplishing, and concepts like white supremacy, white fragility, and power. We will provide municipalities with suggestions for hands-on solutions for responding to the #Blacklivesmatter movement in ways that are supportive but also action-orientated.
Webinars Focused on Applying for Certification
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Question and Answer Session on Fall Certification
May 17, 2024
The Sustainable CT Coffee Hour is back from it's June vacation to discuss anything and everything related to our fall certification cycle. Yes, before you know it, the fall certification deadline (August 20) will be upon us, so please plan to join our July Coffee Hour when we'll be answering any and all questions about the certification process.
AND please note that the Coffee Hour will be moving from Friday to Thursday as of July. "Third Thursday" just sounds so much better!
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions most third Thursdays of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
Sustainable CT: National Flood Insurance Program's Community Rating System Webinar
May 9, 2024
Join Sustainable CT and Diane Ifkovic from DEEP to learn more about how your municipality can pursue floodplain management strategies through the National Flood Insurance Program's Community Rating System (CRS). There will be information about the CRS program, available resources, and earning Sustainable CT certification points under Action 5.9.
Sustainable CT: Understanding Timeframe for Credit
August 24, 2023
Sustainable CT has simplified its “credit for past action” framework. Actions can either be “New” or considered for “Rolling Credit.” This training video will provide an overview of the "Timeframe for Credit" portion of the Sustainable CT application.
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Question and Answer Session for 2023 Fall Certification
July 21, 2023
You don't want to wait until the last minute to have your questions answered about Fall Certification. We're dedicating our July Coffee Hour to all things certification - responding to your queries, helping with your challenges, and celebrating your best practices. Together, we can set up for success.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions on the third Friday of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are open to all.
Sustainable CT: New and Improved for 2022
January 20, 2022
Come learn, ask your questions and offer your feedback on the new and improved Sustainable CT for 2022. We will provide a comprehensive overview of program changes. We will also discuss how to meet 2022 requirements if you already have an application in progress or are seeking recertification. This opportunity is open to all but especially recommended for municipalities submitting an application to Sustainable CT in 2022.
Technical Support Webinars on Implementing Sustainable CT Actions
Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Sustainable Winter Operations & Management
January 16, 2025
Join us for the January Coffee Hour as we discuss the importance of sustainable Winter operations and management. We will be joined by Mary McCarthy, T2 Center Program Director, and Shannon O’Loughlin, T2 Center Educational Program Coordinator, who will provide an overview of the T2 Center's programs, the CT Green Snow Pro training program, and how it can help your municipality manage snow more sustainably and earn points towards action 3.14, Implement Sustainable Snow Management. We will also hear from Tom Modzelewski, Director of Public Works, WPCA Administrator, and Tree Warden for the Town of Ellington. Ellington is a leader in sustainable snow management and is the only town in the state to earn all 60 points available under Action 3.14.
Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions most third Thursdays of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
Sustainable CT: Benchmarking and Tracking Your Municipality's Energy Use
July 10, 2024
Sustainable CT is pleased to partner with Eversource Energy, United Illuminating, and the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology’s SmartBuildings CT program to provide energy benchmarking and tracking support to registered Sustainable CT communities within the utility company service territories. Learn more about the SmartBuildings CT program and how it might help your municipality with earning points towards actions 7.1 Benchmark and Track Energy Use, 7.2 Reduce Energy Use Across All Municipal Buildings, and/or 7.4 Increase Use of Renewable Energy in Municipal Buildings.
This webinar was eligible for Certified Connecticut Municipal Official (CCMO) professional development credit from the CT Conference of Municipalities.
Sustainable CT: Earth Day Conversation with Eversource and Avangrid
April 22, 2024
Sustainable CT has partnered with Eversource and Avangrid to host a webinar on Earth Day, April 22 at 10 a.m. for towns, focused on Energize CT programs to advance energy efficiency in municipal/BOE buildings and muni infrastructure. Eversource and Avangrid experts will identify ;no-cost assistance opportunities available to Sustainable CT registered communities and how they can be utilized for points across Sustainable CT Action category seven, Renewable and Efficient Energy Infrastructure and Operations. Come one, come all for a great conversation that will get you energized for your other Earth Day festivities.
Sustainable CT Pathway to Gold: Action 1.1 Optimize for Equity
March 28, 2024
We kicked-off our "Pathway to Gold" series with February's Coffee Hour. This month, the series continues with a webinar on Action 1.1, Optimize for Equity. Action 1.1 is required for all of our certification levels, and no less so for Gold. Find out how this action can benefit municipal operations at every level; hear about Action 1.1 "Success Stories"; and have the opportunity to ask questions of Sustainable CT staff who will be on hand to guide you on the pathway to Gold. Join the webinar Thursday, March 28, at 10 a.m.
Sustainable CT: 6.4.2 - Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Readiness Training
August 24, 2023
This training video will satisfy sub-action requirement 6.4.2, "Have at least one municipal elected official and/or staff member and/or member of a relevant commission participate in a training related to electrification of municipal vehicles." (5 points)
Having residents participate in such trainings may also fulfill the requirements of this Action, if the municipality describes in the “partners” section of its submission how the information learned will be shared with and applied by the municipal government. Learn more.
Sustainable CT: Municipal Success Stories in Food Waste Prevention, Reduction, and Composting
August 3, 2023
Sustainable CT is committed to supporting local leaders in helping Connecticut escape the ongoing waste crisis. Please plan to join us on August 3rd from 2-3pm for a special webinar that will highlight the efforts of Community Match Fund leaders to address the waste crisis through food waste diversion and compost projects.
In addition to learning about best practices and innovative projects, all attendees will extend their group/towns eligibility to receive the enhanced $1.5-to-$1 CMF boost funding for food waste diversion/composting projects to December 31, 2023. Currently, the funding package is scheduled to end on August 13th.
If you, your group or your town have any interesting in food waste diversion or composting, make sure you or a representative join the conversation!
Sustainable CT: Sustainable Snow Management
March 9, 2023
Sustainability in Winter Operations is more important than ever. Winter maintenance professionals must employ best practices to minimize salt use and maximize their operations for both fiscal and environmental stewardship. Sustainable CT Action 3.14, Implement Sustainable Snow Management, was newly added in 2023. Mary McCarthy, T2 Center Program Director, and Shannon O’Loughlin, T2 Center Educational Program Coordinator, will talk more about the activities within this action and specifically about the CT Green Snow Pro training opportunities and how it can help your town earn points in Action 3.14 for your Sustainable CT certification.
SolarAPP Makes it Easy for Towns to Permit Home Solar
October 14, 2021
Come learn how SolarAPP -- the groundbreaking online application software that works as a standalone or together with existing permitting software -- dramatically speeds up basic home solar design permitting freeing up building staff to focus on more complex permit issues.
Quicker permitting will help Connecticut responsibly reach its clean energy and Climate goals faster.
The U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory has launched a collaborative effort with NFPA, UL and code officials to develop a standardized plan review software to run compliance checks and process building permit approvals for standard rooftop solar. Basic home solar permit applications that check all the boxes get instant approval without involving staff.
SolarAPP, offered to municipalities for free, works in tandem with existing permit software improve efficiency and reduces the time for application approvals. It is a first step to helping modernize local government systems, making the process easier for all and helping incentivize solar deployment.
My Town Cares: Local Efforts to Address and Prevent Homelessness
February 04, 2021
Connecticut’s municipalities routinely encounter and provide services to the thousands of individuals who experience homelessness each year. Moreover, data shows that homelessness affects people in every municipality in Connecticut. Join us for an introduction to My Town Cares, an initiative of the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness, that provides a roadmap of actions to address and prevent homelessness. Actions implemented are eligible for points in Sustainable CT’s new action category on homelessness. This webinar will provide an overview of the action roadmap, integrate municipal presentations on successful efforts to implement those actions, and outline opportunities available for support in doing this important work.
Promoting Walkability in Your Community
November 17, 2020
Walkability audits can help community stakeholders examine intersections, sidewalks, driver behavior, safety and more. The results can be used to help improve community walkability and promote more inclusive and safer mobility and access for all roadway users. This workshop will discuss how to conduct walkability audits in your community, eligible for points in the Sustainable CT transportation category.
Success Stories on Supporting Arts and Culture from Sustainable CT Communities
July 8, 2020
Learn from your municipal peers about exciting arts and culture projects related to Sustainable CT actions 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4. Discussion topics include: a brief overview of Sustainable CT Category 4 Vibrant & Creative Cultural Ecosystems and support available from DECD Office of the Arts, as well as highlights from New Britain's Bee Bridge, Torrington's artist relocation program, New Haven's development of cultural equity plan, and Manchester's Art Commission/ art initiatives.
Best Practices in Sustainable Procurement
April 2, 2020
Thinking about creating a sustainable procurement policy in your town? Already have one and want to make it more effective? Clean Water Action CT and CT Sustainable Business Council bring you this webinar to share more about best practices in sustainable procurement.
Information-rich, rapid-fire presentations by:
- Alyssa Norwood, Sustainable CT
- Anne Hulick, Clean Water Action CT
- Howard Brown, Sustainable Purchasing Task Force, Town of Guilford
- Mike Tanguay, EBP Supply Solutions
- Rebecca Meuninck, Ecology Center
This webinar will assist municipalities with the Sustainable CT action 2.2 Implementing a Sustainable Purchasing Policy. Bring your most pressing questions for the Q&A!
Note:The organizers of this webinar do not necessarily endorse the organizations, products, services or public positions of the presenters listed.