Founding Funders
Thank You
We thank the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, Common Sense Fund and the Hampshire Foundation for their generous support of the creation, development, launch, and administration of Sustainable CT.

Community Match Fund Contributors
We are grateful for the generous support to provide dollar-for-dollar matches to support community-led sustainability projects across Connecticut.
Supporting Funders
2024 Event Sponsors
Sponsor Us!
Sustainable CT inspires and accelerates sustainability action by providing Connecticut municipalities with a menu of coordinated, voluntary actions; resources, tools, and funding to implement sustainability actions; and certification and recognition for their ongoing sustainability achievements.
By becoming a Sustainable CT sponsor, you’ll align your company with our reputation as a trusted and valuable support program for municipal leaders and an innovative thought-leader in building livable communities. With emphasis on affordable housing, vibrant public spaces, safe and walkable roads, inclusive municipal decision-making, renewable energy, and more, Sustainable CT’s action roadmap improves the quality of life for all residents and businesses. You’ll join a growing list of organizations and companies that are helping us build a more vibrant and resilient Connecticut for their employees and their customers. Learn more.