Sustainable CT Categories

1. Inclusive and Equitable Community Impacts
Deeply embedding equity considerations into municipal operations, building inclusiveness, community cohesion, and shared decision-making.
2. Thriving Local Economies
Supporting local businesses, increasing local jobs and revenues, and fostering energy-efficient and renewable energy-powered commercial and industrial buildings.
3. Well-Stewarded Land and Natural Resources
Establishing policies and practices that recognize our finite resources and that strive to achieve a balance of many users while preserving and increasing ecosystem health and resilience.
4. Vibrant and Creative Cultural Ecosystems
Distinctive, engaged and livable communities that shape people-centered places, provide robust artistic and cultural opportunities, and consider environmental impacts.
5. Dynamic and Resilient Planning
Balancing human development and resource use with a wide range of factors, including livability, economic opportunity, biodiversity and natural systems.
6. Clean and Diverse Transportation Systems and Choices
Allowing enhanced health, safety and access for all roadway users—including motor vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists and transit users—regardless of age, ability, income or ethnicity.
7. Renewable and Efficient Energy Infrastructure and Operations
Including accessible municipal buildings with efficient operations, maintenance, and energy systems.
8. Inclusive Engagement, Communication and Education
Encompassing transparency, inclusivity, effective communication, appropriate events and training - civic engagement and regional collaboration.
9. Strategic Materials Management
Encouraging thoughtful waste management and reduction that goes beyond plastics recycling to include additional materials and food waste.
10. Optimal Health and Wellness Opportunities
Prioritizing the physical and mental health of all community members through air quality improvement, shared gardens and growing spaces, and stable food systems.
11. Healthy, Efficient and Diverse Housing
Diverse in both type and affordability, and located in thriving, livable, connected neighborhoods.
12. Effective, Compassionate Homelessness Prevention
Helping to build homelessness awareness and supports through compassionate outreach and thoughtful service coordination.
13. Innovative Strategies and Practices
Innovate and implement meaningful sustainability actions not yet listed on the Sustainable CT action list. Become a model for others!