Sustainable CT Community Certification Report
Download PDF VersionThis is the Sustainable CT Certification Report of Darien, a Sustainable CT bronze certified applicant.
Darien was certified on October 28, 2019 with 210 points. Listed below is information regarding Darien’s Sustainable CT efforts and materials associated with the applicant’s certified actions.
Contact Information
The designated Sustainable CT contact for Darien is:
Name: | Kathleen Finnegan |
Title/Position: | Sustainability Team / Advisory Commission on Sustainability |
Phone: | 203-912-4130 |
Actions Implemented
Each approved action and supporting documentation for which Darien was approved for in 2019 appears below. Please enjoy this opportunity to view and learn from the information and materials provided.
Notes: Submission content was created by Darien, and Sustainable CT makes no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the submission, beyond that an individual reviewer approved at least some elements of the action for certification. Further, standards for actions below may have changed, and the documentation listed may no longer satisfy requirements for that action. Finally, approved actions here may include some documents and descriptions in support of action elements that were not approved, in addition to elements that were approved. In preparing your own application, please rely only on the action write-ups for the current certification year to guide your submission. Please contact [email protected] with specific questions.
1. Inclusive and Equitable Community Impacts
Approved Information: 9.1A: Application of the Equity Toolkit to 7.7: Recycle Additional Materials and Compost Organics 9.1B: Application of the Equity Toolkit to 7.1: Hold a Sustainability Event – the Darien Farmers’ Market and senior residents. (10 points) completed 7/15/2019.
Supporting Documentation:
- word 9.1B attachment - Darien Farmers Market - Human Services announcement with At Home ride included..docx
- pdf 9.1B Action Revised 9_19 applied to 7.1 Action_ Apply the completed Sustainable CT Equity Toolkit to 7.1 Hold a sustainability event _ the Darien Farmers Market.pdf
- pdf 9.1A Action applied to 7.7_Recylce Additional Materials and Compost Organics.pdf
Documentation Details: 9.1B attachment relates to Action 9.1B, page 2, result 3.
Partners: 9.1B: Darien Human Services Department, the Darien Senior Center and At Home In Darien coordinated with the Advisory Committee on Sustainability to offer transportation to the Darien Farmer's Market 9.1A: Darien Human Services Department and Public Works Department collaborated to approve the distribution of Refuse and Recycling Center permits at no cost to clients identified by the Human Services Director.
3. Well-Stewarded Land and Natural Resources
Approved Information: 2.1.2: Citizen Science (5 points); ongoing since spring 2017
Supporting Documentation:
- pdf 2.1.2 (A): Unified Water Study - CT Fund for the Environment/Save the Sound
- pdf 2.1.2 (B): Minutes from the Town of Darien's Board of Selectmen, 2/27/17
- pdf 3.1.2a (C): "New Town Water Quality Sampling Program to Begin," Darien Times, 6/12/18
- image 3.1.2a (D) Photo: A section of Darien's beautiful coastline - Scott's/Ziegler's Cove (in Winter)
- image 3.1.2a (E): Photo: Gary Banks monitoring water quality
- pdf 3.1.2a (F): Article from "Darien Neighbors" magazine, July 2019
- word 2.1.2 (G): Program Description
Documentation Details: 2.1.2 (A): An overview of the Unified Water Study from CFE/Save the Sound's website. Note the Town of Darien listed as a participant on p.5, monitoring the following water bodies: Darien Harbor, Cove Harbor, Scott's Cove. 2.1.2 (B): "Presentation by William Cavers, Coastal Commission," p. 1 is an overview of the Unified Water Study; the Board unanimously approved the Advisory Commission on Coastal Waters to organize and manage Darien's participation in the Save the Sound Unified Water Study. 2.1.2 (C): A local paper reports on the Unified Water Study that Darien first participated in a year earlier. The program was expanded to include monitoring of an additional harbor (Cove Harbor). 2.1.2 (D): the program was again expanded in 2019 to include monitoring of additional water bodies - Scott/Zieger's Coves 2.1.2 (E): Gary Banks is among the 8 resident volunteers who meet every other Saturday at 6 am, May through October, to measure water conditions at 12 predetermined sites in Darien's harbors.
Partners: Darien's participation in the Unified Water Study was initiated by and is conducted by the Chairman of the Darien Advisory Commission on Coastal Waters, and was approved by the Darien Board of Selectmen in February 2017. Water sampling is conducted by town volunteers and results are shared with the Darien Department of Health. Several partners play a critical role in this project and include: 1) CFE/Save the Sound oversees the Unified Water Study in which approximately two dozen other municipalities in New York and Connecticut participate; it also owns the monitoring equipment used; 2) The Darien Boat Club provides the motor boat used by volunteers to monitor water quality; 3) The Darien Nature Center provides space where monitoring instruments can be calibrated and stored
Approved Information: 2.7.1: Sponsor a water conservation education workshop (5 points), workshop 8/15/19 2,7.2: Identify and disseminate water conservation educational materials (0 additional points), created 7/19
Supporting Documentation:
- word 2.7.1 (A): Description of Water Conservation Program held on Thursday, 8/15/19
- pdf 2.7.1 (B): Invitation to Water Conservation Program - widely circulated (Town website, various email lists and newsletters, social media, news articles)
- image 2.7.1 (C): One sample of how invitation was circulated (via Facebook page managed by Darien Advisory Committee on Sustainability)
- image 2.7.1 (D): Image from Water Conservation Program, 8/15/19
- word 2.7.2 (A): Overview of outreach on water conservation
- image 2.7.2 (B): Link to Aquarion on Town of Darien website
- image 2.7.2 (C): Image of Water Use Survey with educational information
- image 2.7.2 (D): Overview of how survey was distributed (Powerpoint slide from Water Conservation Program)
- pdf 2.7.2 (E): "You Should Care About Water Conservation," by Nisha Nalawade, published by the Darien Times, 8/6/19
- image 2.7.2 (F): Postcard with links to water conservation websites, distributed at Water Conservation Program on 8/15/19 and available at Darien Town Hall
- image 2.7.2 (G): Facebook post on water conservation (same posted on Twitter)
Partners: The Darien Advisory Committee on Sustainability partnered with several organizations in the planning, advertising and implementation of the Water Conservation Program held on Thursday, August 15, 2019: 1) Aquarion Water Company - speaker; 2) Darien Nature Center - co-sponsor; helped to publicize water use survey and event; 3) Darien Pollinator Pathway - speakers, circulation of water use survey and publicized event; also provided some native plants for attendees to take home; 4) UConn Conservation Training Partnerships (CTP) program - a Darien High School student working through this program provided research and assistance to the Committee, conducted a water use survey and discussed results at the event, and provided postcards to attendees with links to various water conservation websites 5) Several other organizations in Darien were asked to - and agreed to - help publicize the water use survey and event, including the Darien Land Trust, Darien Mens' Association, and the Garden Club or Darien
Additional Information: The entire Water Use survey can be found by copying and pasting this link into a browser:
4. Vibrant and Creative Cultural Ecosystems
Approved Information: 3.1.2 Update Your Profile on CTVisit (5 points), Updated August 7, 2019.
Partners: Our committee worked with Jean Hebert of CTVisit website to update and implement the addition of hyperlinks to town social media portals. We also worked with Linda O'Leary from the Town of Darien to include a hyperlink to the CTVisit website.
Additional Information: Hyperlink to Darien CTVISIT Page: Hyperlink to CTVisit on Town Website: Hyperlink to Darien social media platforms: We established a hyperlink to the Town of Darien Website to the CTVisit website and included social media outlets and link in the CTVisit platform.
Approved Information: 3.2.2: Include arts and culture in publicly available municipal marketing, updated 8/29/19 3.2.3: Commit dedicated funding to the arts, updated 8/29/19 3.2.10 Option 1: Support arts and cultural activities offered at the local libraries, updated 8/29/19 (10 points total)
Supporting Documentation:
Documentation Details: 3.2.3: Document "3.2.3 Municipal Funding for the Arts Write-Up" is an explanation of how the town funds arts and culture through their funding of the Senior Center. Documents "3.2.3 Mather Senior Center Monthly Newsletter pt 1" and "3.2.3 Mather Senior Center Monthly Newsletter pt 2 Art Programs" are examples of the art and culture programs offered by the Senior Center.
Partners: The town works with the Mathers Senior Center for funding and art and culture programs for Darien residents over the age of 55. The town works with the Darien Library in providing art and culture opportunities to all its residents. See attached documents for more detail.
5. Dynamic and Resilient Planning
Approved Information: 4.1.1 Hazard Mitigation Goals (5 Points for required plus optional goals 7 and 8), POCD dated 2016, Worksheet A completed July 2019. 4.1.2 Sustainability Concepts in POCD (20 points for concepts 8, 9, 10), POCD dated 2016, Worksheet B completed July 2019.
Supporting Documentation:
Documentation Details: 4.1.1 - Worksheet A - Hazard Mitigation Goals 1, 2, 6, and 8 incorporated into the Plan of Conservation and Development 4.1.2 - Worksheet B - Integrate Sustainability Concepts 8, 9, & 10 incorporated in the Plan of Conservation and Development
Partners: Planning & Zoning Commission Town Planner
Approved Information: 4.3.6: Develop and promote community garden spaces for residents on municipal land (10 points); ongoing since 1970's.
Supporting Documentation:
- pdf 4.3.6: Cherry Lawn Community Gardens
- image 4.3.6: Cherry Lawn Community Gardens - link from Town website
- pdf 4.3.6: Darien Parks & Recreation Spring/Summer 2019 Brochure
- image 4.3.6: Cherry Lawn Communioty Gardens is discussed on Cherry Lawn web page
- image 4.3.6: Image of Cherry Lawn Community Gardens - long view
- image 4.3.6: Image of Cherry Lawn Community Gardens - closeup of plots
- image 4.3.6: Image of Cherry Lawn Community Gardens - one gardener
- image 4.3.6: Cherry Lawn Community Gardens - schematic showing location of plots
- pdf 4.3.6: 2014 CT Post Article: "Community Gardens 'an oasis' in Darien"
Documentation Details: The Cherry Lawn Community Gardens web page is found via a link on the town website: (click on Departments & Services, then Parks & Recreation) - see image. The Darien Parks & Recreation Spring/Summer 2019 Brochure includes a notice on Cherry Lawn Community Gardens, p.6.
Partners: Cherry Lawn Community Gardens was established by the Darien Community Association Garden Club in the early 1970's, but is now self-administered by the Cherry Lawn Garden Committee (members listed in document above). It is located on municipal land - Cherry Lawn Park; it is co-sponsored by Darien's Department of Parks & Recreation, which helps with maintenance and conducts the annual mailing for renewals.
Additional Information: Cherry Lawn Community Gardens is a well-known, popular, program in Darien, CT with 60 garden plots of varying sizes. There is a 2-3 year waiting list as current gardeners have the option to renew each year, with approximately 25 on the current waitlist. When gardeners are away on vacation, a volunteer harvests their ripe surplus produce and donates it to various organizations, such as New Covenant House, a soup kitchen in nearby Stamford, CT, and the Darien Senior Center.
6. Clean and Diverse Transportation Systems and Choices
Approved Information: 5.2.1 Screenshot of town website with posted Nelson Nygaard Parking Study 5.2.1 Existing Conditions Report November 10, 2015.pdf 5.2.1 Projected Conditions and Opportunities November 10, 2015. 5.2.1 Strategy Development November 10, 2015.pdf 5.2.1 Parking Authority Agenda October 15 2015 for Presentation of Parking 5.2.1 Parking Management Plan November 20 2015.pdf
Supporting Documentation:
- image 5.2.1 Screenshot of town website with posted Nelson Nygaard Parking Study.JPG
- pdf 5.2.1 Existing Conditions Report November 10, 2015.pdf
- pdf 5.2.1 Projected Conditions and Opportunities November 10, 2015.pdf
- pdf 5.2.1 Email distributing study July 22, 2019.pdf
- pdf 5.2.1 Strategy Development November 10, 2015.pdf
- pdf 5.2.1 Parking Authority Agenda October 15 2015 for Presentation of Parking Study.pdf
- pdf 5.2.1 Parking Management Plan November 20 2015.pdf
Documentation Details: There are four parts to the Parking Needs Assessment completed for downtown Darien dated November 10, 2019: 1) "5.2.1 Existing Conditions Report" contains a complete parking inventory, the results of the parking survey and stakeholder input, and parking demand counts including turnover rate. 2) "5.2.1 Projected Conditions and Opportunities" contains the potential future demand. 3) "5.2.1 Strategy Development" evaluates and described varied parking strategies. 4) "5.2.1 Parking Management Plan" is a final summary of the report findings and recommendations. The documents above were forwarded to each member of the Board of Selectmen, the Director of Public Works, the Town Administrator, the Chief of Police, and the Town Planner as evidenced by "5.2.1 Email distributing study July 22, 2019". "5.2.1 Screenshot of town website" is the Parking Authority page with posted files from the "Nelson Nygaard Parking Study" proving the study is available to the public on the town website. "5.2.1 Parking Authority Agenda October 15, 2015 for Presentation of Parking Study" is evidence that a public meeting was scheduled to present the details of the study. See item 3.a) under new business.
Partners: Parking Authority Parking Advisory Committee Board of Selectmen
7. Renewable and Efficient Energy Infrastructure and Operations
Approved Information: 1.6.1 Pass a municipal resolution to opt-in to C-PACE (February 24, 2014). 5 Points 1.6.1 Sign a legal agreement with C-PACE (February 28, 2014) 1.6.3 Earn credit for C-PACE projects approved by the Green Bank for commercial buildings (5 projects closed from 11/20/2017 through 11/7/2018). 5 Points
Supporting Documentation:
Documentation Details: 1.6.1 RTM Meeting Minutes from February 24th, 2014 indicates the legislative body of Darien passed a resolution authorizing participation in C-PACE. 1.6.1 C-PACE Agreement Signed on February 28th, 2014 is a copy of the agreement signed by the First Selectman. 1.6.3 C-PACE Projects in Darien provided by Green Bank indicates five C-PACE projects approved by the Green Bank completed between 11/20/2017 and 11/7/2018. 1.6.1 Screenshot of Darien Building Department webpage with C-PACE link taken on July 22, 2019.
Partners: Representative Town Meeting Board of Selectman Green Bank Private Building Owners
Approved Information: 6.7.1 Install Efficient Street Lights (15 points), completed 1/17/17
Supporting Documentation:
Documentation Details: 6.7.1 Install Efficient Street Lights Page 1 Street Light Purchase Agreement dated September 15th, 2016 6.7.1 Street light Installation Summary work completed January 2017 page 1 Map of street lights Page 2 Schedule of LED fixtures Page 3 Final report by Tanko Streetlighting Page 4 LED conversion Overview Page 5,6,7,8,9. Conversion of 798 LED street lights
Partners: None
Additional Information: Darien purchased its street lights and converted 100 percent to Energy Efficient LEDs.
8. Inclusive Engagement, Communication and Education
Approved Information: 7.1 Hold a Sustainability Event (15 points), events from 4/8-8/7
Supporting Documentation:
Documentation Details: Image 7.1 h Darien Farmer's Market 7_24_19 shows a post by the the Advisory Committee on Sustainability advertising the market and supporting the Darien Summer School Strings program. Image 7.1 k Sea Level Rise Highlights by DLT 4_5_19 shows a post by the Darien Land Trust about the event .
Partners: 7.1k Panel Discussion: Sea Level Rise was a collaborative event hosted by the Library, Darien Land Trust, and Save the Sound. As municipal support, the event was filmed and is available on Darien TV79 On Demand service for the public viewing using the link below; on April 4, 2019.
9. Strategic Materials Management
Approved Information: 7.7.1: Recycle Additional Materials (40 points), updated 7/29/19
Supporting Documentation:
- pdf 7.7 (A): Cover letter from Darren Oustafine (Town of Darien) to Paula Guerrera (CT DEEP Bureau of MM & C - Recycling Office) summarizing Annual Municipal Recycling Report for FY 2019 - dated July 25, 2019
- pdf 7.7 (B): Annual Municipal Recycling Report (FY 2019) filed by the Town of Darien to the CT DEEP
- pdf 7.7 (C): Darien Recycling & Refuse Center Site Map
- pdf 7.7 (D): Letter of Understanding from Darren Oustafine (Town of Darien) to Bryan Ayres (City Carting & Recycling) to set up recycling of electronics - dated January 14, 2010
- pdf 7.7 (E): Press release announcing collection for electronics at the Darien Recycling Center - February 9, 2011
- pdf 7.7 (F): Cover letter from Darren Oustafine (Town of Darien) to Alison Keane, Esq. (PaintCare, Inc.) - dated July 6, 2015 - with executed agreement to begin collection and recycling of paint & paint products
- pdf 7.7 (G): Description of Curie Pack Program to recycle smoke detectors
- pdf 7.7 (H): Letter of agreement from Scott Logan (Curie Environmental Services) to Darren Oustafine (Town of Darien) to begin program to recycle residential smoke detectors - dated January 30, 2017
- pdf 7.7 (I): Letter from Robert Isner (CT DEEP) to Jayme Stevenson (First Selectman, Town of Darien) granting approval to collect residential smoke detectors at the Darien Recycling Center - March 8, 2017
- pdf 7.7 (J): Agreement between the Town of Darien and USagain to collect textiles commencing January 26, 2016
- pdf 7.7 (K): 2019 Darien Single Stream Recycling Guidelines
- pdf 7.7 (L): 2019 Recycling Center Information Brochure
Documentation Details: 7.7 (A): Tonnages of the following 5 non-mandated materials are reported as having been collected and recycled through the Darien Recycling Center during the period July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019: 1) Electronics (65.54) - page 1; 2) Textiles (35.30) - page 1; 3) Paint (41.02) - page 2; 4) Mattresses (22.24) - page 2; 5) Smoke detectors (100 units) - page 2 7.7 (B): Actual Report filed with the CT DEEP; non-mandated materials collected and recycled are highlighted in red 7.7 (C): Site Map (updated February 2019) shows collection locations for Textiles, Electronics, Mattresses, Paint, and Smoke Detectors (see red stars and markings) 7.7 (K): This is the back of the Single Stream Recycling Guidelines and shows materials - in addition to those that can be recycled in the blue bin - that can be recycled at the Darien Recycling Center (red arrows indicate non-mandated items discussed here). This document was mailed to residents with their new stickers/permits (April/May/June 2019); copies are also available at the counter of the Department of Public Works Office, and it is also available online at 7.7 (L): Another brochure mailed to residents with new stickers/permits (see red boxes); it is also available from the DPW Office and is posted on the town website at
Partners: Through CT Product Stewardship programs, the Town of Darien has been able to increase its number of recycling programs at no cost to residents. These include electronics, mattresses and paint. In each case, the Town has provided a drop-off location for residents.
Approved Information: 7.8.2: Implement a food scraps recovery program (10 points), launched October 15, 2018
Supporting Documentation:
- pdf 7.8.2 (A): Press Release from Darien Department of Public Works, "Darien to Launch Residential Food Scrap Recycling Program," October 3, 2018
- pdf 7.8.2(B): Food Scrap Recycling Program, Darien, CT - May 1, 2019
- pdf 7.8.2 (C): Darien Food Scrap Recycling Guide
- pdf 7.8.2 (D): Executed contract with City Carting & Recycling - September 10, 2018
- pdf 7.8.2 (E): Darien Recycling & Refuse Center Site Map - Updated February 2019
- image 7.8.2 (F): Darien Department of Health Director tours food scrap drop-off
- pdf 7.8.2 (G): "Darien First in Area to Begin Recycling Food Scraps in Effort to Divert Refuse from Landfills," Lysandro Simmons, Darien Times; August 24, 2018
- pdf 7.8.2 (H): "Free Food Scrap Compost," Carolyn Bayne, Darien Patch; June 2019
- pdf 7.8.2 (I): Annual Municipal Recycling Report - FY '19; Town of Darien
Documentation Details: 7.8.2 (A): Town-wide announcement of new residential food scrap recycling program 7.8.2(B): Report submitted to the Recycle CT Foundation for grant award; overview of residential food scrap program 6 months after implementation 7.8.2 (C): This guide explains how Darien's Food Scrap Recycling Program works. It is included in food scrap collection kits sold to residents, is available through he Department of Public Works office and is available online at 7.8.2 (D): Darien's executed contract with City Carting outlining arrangement with a third-party vendor (Curbside Compost) to pick up and haul Darien's food scraps to a commercial composting facility 7.8.2 (E): Updated site map shows location of the food scrap drop-off (see red circle!) 7.8.2 (F): David Knauf, Darien Director of Health, has ensured that there is a balance between the goals of the Food Scrap Recycling Program and public health concerns. Most recent discussions with him were on July 18, 2019, when he toured the drop-off site. 7.8.2 (G): Article by local paper announcing program 7.8.2 (H): Articles were published in local news media announcing a compost giveaway program in conjunction with the Food Scrap Recycling Program; this same article was shared with the Darien Times and the Darienite 7.8.2 (I): Darien Department of Public Works filed this report with CT DEEP reporting 24.21 tons of food scraps collected in FY '19 (actual period 10/15/18 - 6/30/19), page 4 (see red box)
Partners: 1) The Town of Darien applied for an Innovation Grant from the Recycle CT Foundation and was awarded $8,460 to launch the Food Scrap Recycling Program; 2) Although not a formal partnership, members of Scarsdale, NY's Sustainable Committee were invaluable in the design of our program. They shared many elements of their own extremely successful food scrap program, including templates for flyers, stickers and other educational and outreach materials. They also shared vendor information for these and other materials needed to launch the program. Our program would not be the success that it is without their advice and help.
Additional Information: The success of Darien's Food Scrap Recycling Program has spurred interest in neighboring communities; we have had inquiries from several and have had detailed discussions and tours with a few of them. Just as Scarsdale provided guidance to us, we are very happy to serve as a model for and advise other communities!
11. Healthy, Efficient and Diverse Housing
Approved Information: 8.1.1: (10 Points) Create you community's housing data profile. Analyze the data using Worksheet 2. Present the information at a regular meeting. August 19, 2019.
Supporting Documentation:
Documentation Details: The 2018 Housing Data Profile was created. Jeremy Ginsberg, Town Planner, analyzed this data using Worksheet 2 providing more in depth responses; and presented the findings to the Board of Selectman at a regular meeting on August 8, 2019 (agenda provided).
Partners: Town Planner
13. Innovative Strategies and Practices
Approved Information: 10.1A: Innovative Sustainability Action: Darien’s Bring Your Own Bag Education Campaign to Reduce Single Use Bag Consumption (10 points), ongoing campaign 10.1B Innovative Sustainability Action: Creating and Delivering an Educational Program to lead to the formation and linkage of pesticide free zones to create a Pollinator Pathway (10 points), ongoing campaign
Supporting Documentation:
- word 10.1A Innovative Action - Darien - Education Campaign toward reducing usage of single use bags submission version.docx
- word 10.1B Innovative Action - Darien - Education Campaign toward Creation of a Pollinator Pathway submission version.docx
- pdf 10.1.1B support documnet - DarienNeighbors.April2019.article.PollinatorPathway.pdf
Documentation Details: 10.1A: We believe that all necessary submission information is in the attached write-up. 10.1B: We believe that all necessary submission information is in the attached write-up.
Partners: 10.1A: BYO Darien was the town's lead partner, and they teamed up with Darien schools, Darien Nature Center, Darien Senior Center, Darien Environmental Group, Darien YMCA, the Garden Club of Darien, Person to Person, the Darien Land Trust, the Darien Advisory Committee on Sustainability, the Surfrider Foundation and BYO CT. The town provided access to all necessary parts of the governance structure of the town, as well as to key members of its management team. 10.1B: Darien Pollinator Pathway's Steering committee is the lead organization for this action. Their members come from the Darien Nature Center, the Garden Club of Darien, the Gardener’s Center & Florist and the Darien Library, The Town of Darien Parks & Recreation Department and Students from Darien High School have engaged with DPP, as have the UConn Master Gardeners, the Darien Community Association Greenhouse Group and the Darien Land Trust. In addition, Darien Pollinator Pathway has an informal partnership with the CT North American Organic Farmers Association. The town is providing access to all necessary parts of the governance structure of the town, as well as to key members of its management team.