2024 Certification Actions
(Please refer to the Sustainable CT Action List for the most up-to-date actions)
1. Inclusive and Equitable Community Impacts
- 1.1 Optimize for Equity - REQUIRED for All Certification Levels
- 1.2 Participate in Equity Training - REQUIRED for Gold Certification
- 1.3 Develop and Adopt a Statement on Equity - REQUIRED for Gold Certification
2. Thriving Local Economies
- 2.1 Support Redevelopment of Brownfield Sites
- 2.2 Implement Sustainable Purchasing
- 2.3 Inventory and Promote Local Products and Services
- 2.4 Provide Resources and Supports to Local Businesses
- 2.5 Promote Sustainable Workforce Development
3. Well-Stewarded Land and Natural Resources
- 3.1 Provide Watershed Education
- 3.2 Create a Watershed Management Plan
- 3.3 Engage in Watershed Protection and Restoration
- 3.4 Develop an Open Space Plan
- 3.5 Create a Natural Resource and Wildlife Inventory
- 3.6 Manage for Drought and Municipal Water Use
- 3.7 Provide Education on Responsible Water Usage
- 3.8 Implement Low Impact Development
- 3.9 Manage Woodlands and Urban Forests
- 3.10 Facilitate Invasive Species Education and Management
- 3.11 Implement Green Grounds and Maintenance Program
- 3.12 Enhance Pollinator Pathways
- 3.13 Promote Dark Skies
- 3.14 Implement Sustainable Snow Management
4. Vibrant and Creative Cultural Ecosystems
- 4.1 Map Tourism and Cultural Assets
- 4.2 Support Arts and Creative Culture
- 4.3 Develop a Creative Placemaking Plan
- 4.4 Provide an Arts and Culture Program for Youth
5. Dynamic and Resilient Planning
- 5.1 Integrate Sustainability into Plan of Conservation and Development
- 5.2 Adapt Permitting Process to Promote Sustainable Development
- 5.3 Develop Agriculture-Friendly Practices
- 5.4 Assess Climate Vulnerability
- 5.5 Inventory and Assess Historic Resources
- 5.6 Streamline Solar Permitting for Small Solar Installations
- 5.7 Plan for Long-Term Recovery
- 5.8 Promote Cool Roofs
- 5.9 Participate in the National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System
6. Clean and Diverse Transportation Systems and Choices
- 6.1 Implement Complete Streets
- 6.2 Promote Effective Parking Management
- 6.3 Encourage Smart Commuting
- 6.4 Support Zero Emission Vehicle Deployment
- 6.5 Promote Public Transit and Other Mobility Strategies
- 6.6 Manage Municipal Fleets
7. Renewable and Efficient Energy Infrastructure and Operations
- 7.1 Benchmark and Track Energy Use
- 7.2 Reduce Energy Use Across All Municipal Buildings
- 7.3 Achieve High Energy Performance for Individual Buildings
- 7.4 Increase Use of Renewable Energy in Municipal Buildings
- 7.5 Develop a Municipal Energy Plan
- 7.6 Install Efficient Exterior Lighting
- 7.7 Implement a Community Energy Campaign
- 7.8 Complete Energy Audits of Municipal Buildings
- 7.9 Participate in and Promote the C-PACE Program
- 7.10 Support Battery Storage Solutions
8. Inclusive Engagement, Communication and Education
- 8.1 Hold a Sustainability Event
- 8.2 Provide Effective Community Communications
- 8.3 Train Municipal Representatives
- 8.4 Support Community Match Fund (CMF) Project and Civic Engagement
- 8.5 Engage in a Sustainable CT Mentorship with Other Municipalities
- 8.6 Collaborate with Other Municipalities on Sustainability Actions — REQUIRED for Gold Certification
- 8.7 Engage with Youth on Community Sustainability
9. Strategic Materials Management
- 9.1 Report Materials Management Data and Reduce Waste
- 9.2 Implement Unit-Based Pricing
- 9.3 Recycle Additional Materials and Compost Organics
- 9.4 Develop a Food Waste Prevention Campaign or Food Scraps Recovery Campaign or Program
10. Optimal Health and Wellness Opportunities
- 10.1 Encourage an Equitable and Just Food System
- 10.2 Conduct Health Impact Assessments
- 10.3 Improve Air Quality in Public Spaces
- 10.4 Develop and Promote Community Growing Spaces
- 10.5 Support Equitable Food Access and Local Farmers
- 10.6 Plan and Prepare for Extreme Heat
- 10.7 Improve Outdoor Access for All
11. Healthy, Efficient and Diverse Housing
- 11.1 Design and Implement an Affordable Housing Plan
- 11.2 Grow Sustainable and Affordable Housing Options
- 11.3 Implement Policy for Sustainable, Diverse Housing Options
12. Effective, Compassionate Homelessness Prevention
- 12.1 Strengthen Municipal Workforce Capacity to Address Homelessness
- 12.2 Increase Public Awareness and Support for Efforts to End Homelessness
- 12.3 Collect and Share Homelessness Data
- 12.4 Provide or Mobilize Resources to Address Homelessness
13. Innovative Strategies and Practices