Trainings & Events

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Sustainable CT Coffee Hour: Question and Answer Session on Fall Certification

July 18, 2024 - 10:00 am to 11:00 am

The Sustainable CT Coffee Hour is back from it's June vacation to discuss anything and everything related to our fall certification cycle. Yes, before you know it, the fall certification deadline (August 20) will be upon us, so please plan to join our July Coffee Hour when we'll be answering any and all questions about the certification process.

AND please note that the Coffee Hour will be moving from Friday to Thursday as of July. "Third Thursday" just sounds so much better!

Join Sustainable CT for virtual, informal, discussions most third Thursdays of each month. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.

Event Type: Webinar
Event Category: Event Directly Aligned to Sustainable CT

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