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Sun | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri | Sat |
Connecticut’s cost-of-living crisis is holding back economic growth, with nearly half of residents lacking economic security exacerbated by the state’s elevated housing costs. How can policymakers respond with targeted solutions that strengthen the economy and support the state’s workforce?
Come hear from housing expert Kristen Klurfield of the Bipartisan Policy Center as she discusses her report, Exploring the Affordable Housing Shortage's Impact on American Workers, Jobs, and the Economy, and Deputy Commissioner Matt Pugliese of Connecticut’s Department of Economic and Community Development, as the Partnership launch’s our 2024 legislative priorities. State legislators, policy leaders, and housing advocates are welcome to come explore how investments in deeply affordable housing can drive economic growth and create lasting community stability.
Experts will explore data-backed policies that address housing as a critical economic strategy—boosting workforce stability, business development, and long-term prosperity. Discover how targeting our state investments towards deeply affordable housing solutions can reduce economic inequality and create opportunity for low-wage workers while driving statewide growth.
1:00 – Partnership Welcome
1:10 – Opening Remarks: Deputy Commissioner Matt Pugliese, CT DECD
1:30 – Keynote Presentation: Senior Policy Analyst Kristen Klurfield, Bipartisan Policy Center
2:15 – Panel of CT Residents and Business Leaders, more speaker information to come
3:00 – Closing and Legislative Action Items
Event Type:
In-Person Event or Training
Event Category:
General Sustainability Event