
Sustainable CT Community Certification Report

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This is the Sustainable CT Certification Report of Mansfield, a Sustainable CT silver certified applicant.

Mansfield was certified on October 31, 2022 with 500 points. Listed below is information regarding Mansfield’s Sustainable CT efforts and materials associated with the applicant’s certified actions.

Contact Information

The designated Sustainable CT contact for Mansfield is:

Name:Virginia Walton
Title/Position:Recycling Coordinator / Public Works

Actions Implemented

Each approved action and supporting documentation for which Mansfield was approved for in 2022 appears below. Please enjoy this opportunity to view and learn from the information and materials provided.

Notes: Submission content was created by Mansfield, and Sustainable CT makes no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the submission, beyond that an individual reviewer approved at least some elements of the action for certification. Further, standards for actions below may have changed, and the documentation listed may no longer satisfy requirements for that action. Finally, approved actions here may include some documents and descriptions in support of action elements that were not approved, in addition to elements that were approved. In preparing your own application, please rely only on the action write-ups for the current certification year to guide your submission. Please contact [email protected] with specific questions.

  • 1. Inclusive and Equitable Community Impacts

    1.1 Optimize for Equity — REQUIRED for All Certification Levels

    30 Points

    Approved Information: 1.1 Optimize for Equity (7.7 Solar for All) (10 points) 1.1 Optimize for Equity (13.1 Helping Hands Covid-19 Resident Assistance Program) (10 points) 1.1 Optimize for Equity (13.1 Farms to Families) (10 points)

    Documentation Details: 7.7 Solar for All - documents include equity write-up, housing data profile, campaign summary and survey data. Please refer to action 7.7 for additional documentation about this inititative. 13.1 Helping Hands - documents include equity write-up and town equity report - Mansfield. Please refer to action 13.1 for additional documentation about this initiative. 13.1 Farms to Families - documents includes equity write-up and outreach materials.

    Partners: 1.1 (Optimize for Equity - Helping Hands): This program was funded by a Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) through the CT Department of Housing. 7.7 Solar for All: Mansfield partnered with the Town of Windham, CT Green Bank and PosiGen.

    1.2 Participate in Equity Training — REQUIRED for Gold Certification

    5 Points

    CT Success Story

    Approved Information: 1.2.2: Support Equity Training for a cohort of at least 3 municipal staff (5 points)

    Partners: 1.2.2 (Support Equity Training for Municipal Staff): Mansfield designed the summer 2021 trainings in collaboration with Insight Education Group. Kate England of Insight designed and presented the program. Mansfield initiated this process and has provided equity trainings of their own. The first equity training was created and presented with the help of Dr. Glenn Mitoma, who is the Director of the Dodd Center for Human Rights at UCONN.

  • 2. Thriving Local Economies

    2.4 Provide Resources and Supports to Local Businesses

    10 Points

    CT Success Story

    Approved Information: 2.4.2: Create or support small business development center (5 points) 2.4.3 Invite businesses to participate in at least 3 events (5 points)

    Documentation Details: The Town of Mansfield's authorized municipal development agent for Downtown Storrs, the Mansfield Downtown Partnership, was created to foster a vibrant, economically successful community in the heart of Mansfield. Two agreements are attached - one pertaining to economic development roles and the other pertaining to the financial support from the Town. Also attached is a document listing some recent events offered by the Mansfield Downtown Partnership. Included in this document is a link to the MDP website. This documentation proves the continued importance of the MDP in the Mansfield community. "2.4 & 8.5 Regional Economic Vitality Plan..." is the Four Town Action Plan for Economic Vitality created by Tolland, Coventry, Bolton, and Mansfield in order to strengthen the region. Many of the actions in this plan are aimed at supporting local businesses, such as a holding small business seminars led by UConn Career Services to help businesses learn how to navigate finding UConn interns for their businesses (held 3/22/2022). This 4 Town Action Plan was submitted under action 8.5 as well.

    Partners: 2.4.2 (Create or support Small Business Development Centers): The Four Town Action plan was created in collaboration with Tolland, Bolton, and Coventry, as well as AdvanceCT. Details regarding this partnership can be found under action 8.5.2. 2.4.3 (Invite businesses to participate in at least 3 events): Collaborated with the UConn Center for Career Development to provide the internships event.

  • 3. Well-Stewarded Land and Natural Resources

    3.2 Create a Watershed Management Plan

    10 Points

    Approved Information: 3.2.1: Watershed Inventory (10 points)

    Documentation Details: Pgs. 1-10 of Lower Natchaug River Watershed Plan: inventories the natural resources of the Lower Natchaug River, including physical/natural features, surface/groundwater quality, soils, vegetative cover, endangered species, and fisheries. Pgs. VIII-X of Lower Natchaug River Watershed Plan: Contains tables that outlines watershed pollutants, locations of pollutant sources, and sites where bacteria reduction. Pg. 12 of Lower Natchaug River Watershed Plan: Land Use/Cover map for the Lower Natchaug River Watershed.

    Partners: 3.2.1 (Inventory a Watershed): The Town of Mansfield worked with the ECCD and other towns in the Lower Natchaug area to complete this watershed plan. Mansfield pays a $1200 membership fee every year to the ECCD. Also, please refer to page 5 of the attached Plan for a list of acknowledged contributors, some of whom are from the Town of Mansfield.

    3.4 Develop an Open Space Plan

    15 Points

    Approved Information: 3.4.2 Prioritize Resources for Protection (5 points) 3.4.4d Establish an Open Space Acquisition Fund (10 points)

    Partners: Joshua's Trust CT Forest and Parks Association CT DEEP UConn 3.4.2 (Prioritize resources for protection): None 3.4.4.d: (Establish Open Space Acquisition Fund): The Town has worked with The Last Green Valley to support the acquisition of several easements to permanently protect 821 acres of private land in Mansfield and Surrounding Towns.

    3.5 Create a Natural Resource and Wildlife Inventory

    10 Points

    Approved Information: 3.5.1: Natural Resources and Wildlife Inventory (10 pts)

    Documentation Details: First page of the document details which layers are included in Mansfield's Natural Resources & Wildlife Inventory.

    Partners: 3.5.1 (Create Natural Resource Inventory): Please refer to the top of each map for information regarding data sources. Data was obtained from CTECO, CT - DEEP and UConn CLEAR.

    3.8 Implement Low Impact Development

    15 Points

    CT Success Story

    Approved Information: 3.8.2.b LID Checklist (15 points)

    Supporting Documentation:

    Documentation Details: The submitted print of the LID checklist can be accessed via the following link:

    Partners: 3.8.2.b (LID Checklist): None

    3.11 Implement Green Grounds and Maintenance Program

    10 Points

    Approved Information: 3.11.1: Municipal property inventory (10 pts)

    Documentation Details: Description of IPM implementation: There are 4 IPM practices: Cultural, Mechanical, Biological and Chemical. The Town uses cultural and mechanical practices. Cultural practices include choosing the right plants/turf grass seed that are resistant to drought and pests. Mechanical practices include manually weeding/watering/pruning. The town does not use biological or chemical. Biological practices include introducing beneficial organisms to combat pest organisms. Chemical practices include the use of pesticides.

    Partners: 3.11.1 (Inventory): None 3.11.2a (IPM standard): None

    3.12 Enhance Pollinator Pathways

    20 Points

    CT Success Story

    Approved Information: 3.12.3 Pass a Pollinator Friendly Community resolution (20 points)

    Partners: 3.12.3 (Pass a Pollinator Friendly Community Resolution): None

  • 4. Vibrant and Creative Cultural Ecosystems

    4.1 Inventory Tourism and Cultural Assets

    5 Points

    Approved Information: 4.1.2: Update Your Profile on CT Visit (5 points)

    Supporting Documentation:

    Partners: 4.1.2 (Update CT Visit Profile): None

    4.2 Support Arts and Creative Culture

    10 Points

    Approved Information: 4.2 Support Arts and Creative Culture (3 sub-actions, 10 points) - 4.2.2 Include arts and culture in publicly available municipal marketing - 4.2.5 Establish a Cultural Office or Arts and Culture Department/Council - 4.2.10.b: Support Arts and Cultural Activities Offered at Library

    Documentation Details: "4.2.5 Arts Advisory Committee Established" notes the establishment of the Arts Advisory Committee on page 6 (highlighted). 4.2.2 Link to webpage with information about various arts programs offered by the Parks and Rec department:

    Partners: 4.2 (Support Arts and Creative Culture): None

  • 5. Dynamic and Resilient Planning

    5.1 Integrate Sustainability into Plan of Conservation and Development

    40 Points

    Approved Information: 5.1.1.a Include at least 4 Hazard Mitigation Plan Goals into most recent POCD (5 points) 5.1.1b Incorporate 6 Sustainability concepts as Policy (35 points)

    Partners: 5.1 (Integrate Sustainability into POCD): None

    5.3 Develop Agriculture-Friendly Practices

    5 Points

    Approved Information: 5.3.1: Agriculture-Friendly Policies (5 points)

    Documentation Details: The agriculture-friendly policies that have been adopted by Mansfield (for 5.3.1) include a right-to-farm ordinance, tax exemptions for farm machinery and buildings, and a tax abatement ordinance for farms.

    Partners: 5.3.1 (Active-Agricultural Uses Policies): None

    5.5 Inventory and Assess Historic Resources

    20 Points

    Approved Information: 5.5.2 Assess viability and long-term health of 2 historic resources (20 points)

    Documentation Details: The 5.5 Condition Assessment Report serves as documentation for both 5.5.1 and 5.5.2. In the report, the 1843 Old Town Hall and the 1935 Town Office Building are identified as priority historic assets. These assets are owned by the Town of Mansfield and have been leased to the Mansfield Historical Society since 1980 under a long-term lease arrangement. Maintenance actions are detailed in the 5.5.2 worksheet and throughout the 5.5 Condition Assessment Report. In the 5.5.2 worksheet, relevant references to these actions within the condition assessment report can be found.

    Partners: 5.5. (Inventory and Assess Historic Resources): The Condition Assessment Report was funded by an HPTAG grant from the CT Trust for Historic Preservation (now called Preservation Connecticut). The Town of Mansfield and Mansfield Historical Society matched the funds. In creating the report, the Mansfield Historical Society worked with Nelson Edwards Company Architects, LLC (Historic Architect), GNCB Consulting Engineers, PC (Structural Engineer), General Drafting & Design, Inc (MEP & FP Engineer), and Towne Engineering, Inc (Civil Engineer/Surveyor). Please refer to the acknowledgements section on pages 4 & 5 of the attached 5.5 Condition Assessment Report for more information about partners.

  • 6. Clean and Diverse Transportation Systems and Choices

    6.1 Implement Complete Streets

    20 Points

    Approved Information: 6.1.3 Adopt a Complete Streets Policy (20 points)

    Partners: 6.1.3 (Complete Streets Policy): None

    6.2 Promote Effective Parking Management

    35 Points

    CT Success Story

    Approved Information: 6.2.2.a: Non-Regulatory Parking Management (15 pts.) 6.2.2.b Regulatory Parking Management (20 pts)

    Documentation Details: "6.2.2.a Downtown Storrs Parking Study 2007" provides the rationale for the shared-parking strategy central to the rationale behind the Downtown Storrs Parking Garage. In particular, please refer to page 5 of the pdf. The official approval of the parking garage is found in the "6.2.2.a Parking Garage Zoning Permit 8.11.2011" document. 6.2.2.b Explanation of regulatory parking management strategy given by Linda Painter (Director of Planning and Zoning) 3/11/2022: In February 2019 as part of a larger amendment package to facilitate development of multi-family housing in certain districts, the PZC adopted provisions authorizing the Commission to reduce multi-family parking requirements through the issuance of “credits” for activities that would support alternative transportation for residents of the development, including bicycle parking, proximity to public transit, private transit and shuttle services, car-share parking, and reductions in requirements for affordable and work-force housing units. In order to qualify for these reductions, the regulations require that the parking be provided for an additional fee separate from the base unit rent, or “unbundled.” The purpose of this requirement was to shift tenant expectations regarding free parking while also expanding choice for residents. By “unbundling” the parking from rent, the consumer is choosing whether the cost associated with the parking is something they want to pay when other options exist, which is anticipated to reduce demand for parking and increase demand for alternative transportation options. Additionally, the cost of constructing and maintaining that parking is then borne solely by those consumers that use it, instead of spreading the cost to all tenants, regardless of whether they own a vehicle/use the parking.

    Partners: 6.2.2.a (Non-Regulatory Parking Management): Desman Associates completed the parking study uploaded above. 6.2.2.b (Regulatory Parking Management): None

    6.6 Manage Municipal Fleets

    20 Points

    CT Success Story

    Approved Information: 6.6.1: Fleet inventory/improvement strategy (20 pts)

    Documentation Details: Please refer to "6.6.1.b Fleet Improvement Strategy 2022" for the current fleet improvement strategy. The strategy from 2019 is also included for comparison to see what changes have been made.

    Partners: 6.6.1 (Municipal Fleet Inventory and Strategy): None

  • 7. Renewable and Efficient Energy Infrastructure and Operations

    7.1 Benchmark and Track Energy Use

    5 Points

    CT Success Story

    Approved Information: 7.1.1 Track Energy Use in Municipal and Board of Education Buildings (5 points)

    Supporting Documentation:

    Partners: 7.1.1 (Benchmark and Track Energy Use): Amy Thompson from UConn evaluated the energy tracker for whether points could be awarded under other category 7 actions and assisted with the process of transferring Energy Watchdog data to ENERGYSTAR.

    7.7 Implement a Community Energy Campaign

    10 Points

    Approved Information: 7.7 Solar for All Campaign (10 points)

    Documentation Details: Solar for All - 7.7 documents include Solar for All Summary and 6 attachments. For further details of the program, refer to 1.1 Optimize for Equity. Documents in section 1.1 include Solar for All Campaign Summary, Housing Data Profile - Solar for All, Solar for All Equity Write-up and Solar for All Survey Data.

    Partners: 7.7 Solar for All: Town of Windham, CT Green Bank and PosiGen. We met every other week during the campaign to develop strategies and media material. All actions were collaborative between the towns, Green Bank and PosiGen.

  • 8. Inclusive Engagement, Communication and Education

    8.3 Train Municipal Representatives

    5 Points

    Approved Information: 8.3.1c Send at least three land use/planning and zoning commissioners to attend a training on fair housing and/or other housing-related topics (5 points)

    Documentation Details: 8.3.1.a List of Attendees and their Commission - Don Vigneau attended instead of Vera Ward

    Partners: 8.3.1.a (IW and P&Z training): The event was put on by the Connecticut Federation of Planning and Zoning Commissions.

    8.5 Engage in a Sustainable CT Mentorship with Other Municipalities

    5 Points

    Approved Information: 8.5.2: Implement Sustainable CT actions regionally (5 points)

    Documentation Details: The Regional Economic Vitality Plan is also submitted under 2.4.

    Partners: 8.5.2 (Implement Sustainable CT actions regionally): Worked with Bolton, Tolland, and Coventry. Details about this partnership can be found in the 8.5.2 worksheet. Also partnered with the AdvanceCT team to develop the attached Regional Economic Vitality Plan.

  • 9. Strategic Materials Management

    9.1 Report Materials Management Data and Reduce Waste

    5 Points

    CT Success Story

    Approved Information: 9.1.1 Review Material Management Data (5 points)

    Documentation Details: Please refer to 9.1 Website Screenshots to see how the annual data for residential solid waste disposed per capita was made publicly available. The screenshots were taken from:

    Partners: 9.1.1 (Review materials management data): None

    9.2 Implement Unit-Based Pricing

    25 Points

    CT Success Story

    Approved Information: 9.2.1 SMART Task Force (5 points) 9.2.3 SMART Ordinance (20 points)

    Documentation Details: In 1990, the Town of Mansfield adopted a Solid Waste Ordinance and Solid Waste Regulations requiring unit based pricing for both single-family and multi-family service. In the Regulations, you will see the various service sizes and their costs. The Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) has been functioning since the late 1980's overseeing the implementation of Mansfield's Solid Waste Ordinance and advising Town Council on issues pertaining to solid waste disposal in the Town. The April 2021 SWAC minutes reflect a recent recommendation from them to Town Council to increase the fee for the higher single-family service in order to incentivize waste reduction. Please refer to "9.2 - Narrative of Mansfield PAYT" for answers to questions 4-6 in the 9.2.1 worksheet. Please note that minutes of the adoption of the Solid Waste Ordinance cannot be obtained due to the fact that it was adopted in 1990. The "Narrative of Mansfield PAYT" document serves as proof of relevancy as it was written by the Recycling Coordinator - Virginia Walton.

    Partners: 9.2 (Implement Unit-Based Pricing): None

    9.3 Recycle Additional Materials

    40 Points

    Approved Information: 9.3: Recycle Additional Materials - 4 (40 points)

    Documentation Details: "9.3 Electronics Formal Documentation" is the minutes for a meeting of the Mid-Northeast Recycling Operating Committee, documenting the approval of a contract with Take 2 for the recycling of consumer electronics. "9.3 Paint Formal Documentation" is the Collection Facility and Waste Paint Management Services Agreement between PaintCare Inc. & Town of Mansfield "9.3 Fluorescent Bulb contract & quantity report from vendor" documents the various recycling programs offered by the Mid-Northeast Recycling Operating Committee. Scroll to page 5 to see information regarding Fluorescent Light Bulbs. Additionally, please refer to the last page, which documents the quantity of lamps recycled, among other items. "9.3 Mattress Recycling Documentation - ByeByeMattress Website Screenshot" - screenshot of the ByeByeMattress website showing that the Mansfield Transfer Station is a ByeByeMattress recycling location. Taken from: "9.3 Outreach Materials - Mansfield Website Search Tool" - a document with screenshots of the search tool at Residents can type in items to see how and where to recycle. "9.3 Outreach - Directions for each program on website" - a pdf print of the following site: "9.3 Recycle Data - Electronics, Fluorescent Bulbs, Paint, and Mattresses" - spreadsheet showing the quantity (in tons) of each item collected over time. "9.3 Mansfield Quarterly Trash & Recycle Service Updates July - September 2021" - another example of outreach regarding these programs.

    Partners: 9.3 (Recycle additional materials): - Take2. Town of Mansfield accepts electronics and Fluourescent bulbs at Transfer Station, and Take2 collects them. - Mattress Recycling Council - offers ByeByeMattress program. Town of Mansfield accepts mattresses at Transfer Station, and MRC collects them. - PaintCare. Town of Mansfield collects paint at Transfer Station, and PaintCare collects it.

    9.4 Reduce and Compost Organic Waste

    15 Points

    Approved Information: 9.4.1: Food Waste Prevention Campaign (5 points) 9.4.2: Food Scraps Recovery Campaign (10 points)

    Documentation Details: A summary of a meeting with the Director of the Eastern Highland Health District to review the Town's composting programs is recorded in the attached e-mail ("Meeting on 7-9-19 with Eastern Highland Health District") ***Please refer to "9.4 Overview of Composting Campaign" for information regarding each attachment.*** This overview also goes into future initiatives, such as the promotion of composting at the upcoming Earth Extravaganza and Farmer's markets events. "9.4 Statement of Continuation" is a statement provided by Virginia Walton - Recycling Coordinator, with a list of ongoing initiatives of the composting campaigns.

    Partners: 9.4.1 (Ongoing food waste prevention campaign): None 9.4.2 (Food scraps recovery campaign): Eastern Highlands Health District approved the food scrap composting programs in a meeting on 7/9/19,

  • 10. Optimal Health and Wellness Opportunities

    10.3 Improve Air Quality in Public Spaces

    15 Points

    Approved Information: 10.3.3: Adopt one or more policies designed to reduce tobacco use in the municipality - Mansfield tobacco free campus, inclusive of public parks (15 pts.)

    Documentation Details: The sign in the picture called "10.3.3 Tobacco Free Campus Signage" is located at Mansfield Town Hall. The signs in the images are found in Mansfield public parks.

    Partners: 10.3.3 (Adopt tobacco-reducing policies): None

    10.4 Develop and Promote Community Growing Spaces

    15 Points

    Approved Information: 10.4.1: Develop and Promote Community Growing Spaces (15 points)

    Documentation Details: Please refer to "10.4 Parks and Recreation Community Garden Images" for the images of the plots managed by Parks and Rec. Please refer to "10.4 Parks and Rec Community Gardens Write-up" which serves as rolling credit proof and details how residents are made aware of the spaces and what is grown in the spaces. Please refer to "10.4 Children's Garden at Library" for information about another community garden offered by the town. Please refer to "10.4 Community Garden Ad Spring 2022" for an example of outreach to residents explaining how they can access the spaces.

    Partners: 10.4 (Develop and Promote Community Growing Spaces): None

  • 11. Healthy, Efficient and Diverse Housing

    11.1 Implement an Affordable Housing Plan

    25 Points

    CT Success Story

    Approved Information: 11.1.3 Create an Affordable Housing Plan (25 points)

    Partners: 11.1.3 (Create an affordable housing plan): None

    11.3 Implement Policy for Sustainable, Diverse Housing Options

    20 Points

    Approved Information: 11.3.2: Allow without requiring a special permit or public hearing, for ADUs (20 points)

    Documentation Details: 11.3.3: Description of/comparison to the prior definition of family and/or prior max occupancy limitation, and the date these changes were implemented: From Linda Painter, Director of Planning and Zoning: The provisions in the current definition of family related to functional families and accommodations for groups protected by reasonable accommodation criteria of Federal Americans with Disabilities Act and Fair Housing Act have been in our Zoning Regulations since August 15, 2010. In 2017, the definition was amended to: - Replace the terms fraternity and sorority and more clearly state that occupancy in dormitory, fraternal organization, club, rooming or boarding house, group home or similar occupancy did not constitute a family; - Add language that students enrolled at a college or university are assumed to not meet the definition of functional family unless evidence is presented otherwise; and - Reorganize existing provisions to clarify requirements The definition was last revised effective February 15, 2019 to replace the terms fraternal organization and rooming or boarding house with group dwelling.

    Partners: 11.3.2 (Allow ADUs): None 11.3.3 (Allow unrelated people to live in single household): None

  • 12. Effective, Compassionate Homelessness Prevention

    12.2 Increase Public Awareness and Support for Efforts to End Homelessness

    5 Points

    Approved Information: 12.2.2: Develop and post info on website that provides guidance and resources for people experiencing homelessness (5 points)

    Documentation Details: Sarah Dufresne, Early Childhood Services Coordinator, sent the uploaded email to the various stakeholders. Link to posted homelessness resources:,the%20safety%20of%20young%20children.

    Partners: 12.2.2 (Develop and post homelessness resources): Mansfield Advocates for Children met with Carl Asikainen from the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness on 3/2/2022. At this meeting, Carl shared updates and resources, which were then put on the Mansfield Advocates for Children webpage and distributed to stakeholders.

  • 13. Innovative Strategies and Practices

    13.1 Implement Your Own Sustainability Action

    30 Points

    CT Success Story

    Approved Information: 13.1: Innovation Action - Helping Hands Covid-19 Resident Assistance Program (15 points) 13.1: Innovation Action - Farms to Families Program (15 points)

    Documentation Details: Helping Hands - Please refer to the equity toolkit write-up for a comprehensive overview of the Helping Hands program. Also, please refer to the other 13.1 Helping Hands documents, which are the statement of need and project description submitted as part of the application for funding, a progress report given to Town Council in December, the update on community outreach from February, and the presentation made as part of the public hearing on whether to apply for the grant. Farms to Families - Please refer to the Mansfield Farms to Families Program narrative and the Mansfield Farms to Families Outreach Materials.

    Partners: 13.1 (Helping Hands Program): This program was funded by a Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) through the CT Department of Housing.