
Community Match Fund - Project Eligibility

This program supports projects that have a publicly accessible benefit and make Connecticut communities more vibrant and sustainable, aligning with Sustainable CT's comprehensive action roadmap.


To learn if your project is eligible, please contact [email protected] to set up a call with Sustainable CT Staff.


To be eligible for Sustainable CT’s Community Match Fund your project must:

1. Be located in a Sustainable CT registered town (or towns).

Check here to see participating communities. Registering is easy. If your town isn’t already registered, reach out to [email protected] and we can help you get your town registered.

2. Align with Sustainable CT’s mission and actions of creating equitable, sustainable communities.

Our staff will determine with which action your project best aligns. By aligning with a Sustainable CT action your town will be able to earn points towards Sustainable CT certification when the project is complete. See the eligible project examples below to get an idea of possible projects.

3. Have a public benefit and be inclusive to members of your community(ies).

Projects cannot lead to private profit for the entity leading the project.

4. Have a specific and concrete idea with a detailed budget.

Projects must be well-defined and specific. Project budgets can range from several hundred dollars to thousands. There is no minimum project budget size. Your final budget goal should be based on the costs for a specific, defined project, and take into consideration what is feasible for you to crowdfund from your networks.

Please Note:

  • Organizational overhead, regular operating expenses, and budget allocations for existing staff are only potentially eligible if the programming is new and additional to existing operations.

  • Your project budget may not include funds for paying yourself (Ex. no salary).

  • Infrastructure or equipment supplies may only be purchased for a project being led by a not-for-profit entity. The equipment must also have an ongoing use associated with your project that continues to provide or further a free public benefit.

  • Funds raised prior to the campaign going live cannot be leveraged toward the match.

5. The Project Leader must be available for a conversation with your city or town’s Sustainable CT Sustainability Team or municipal representative.

Once your project has been approved, our team will connect you to the Sustainable CT Municipal Liaison so that you can discuss opportunities to collaborate.

6. Be your or your group’s only Sustainable CT Community Match Fund project that is actively fundraising.

While there is no limit to the number of projects that you can undertake through the Community Match Fund or to the total number of projects that can be happening in your city or town at any one time, you or your group cannot begin a new project until you have successfully implemented the project and submitted all required reporting information to Sustainable CT.

7. Be implemented within 12 months after receiving the grant.

The Community Match Fund is intended to support projects with immediate funding needs, so you should be planning to start work on your project in the near-term after your crowdfunding campaign is complete.

Crowdfunding & Donor Requirements:

The spirit of the Community Match Fund is to support and amplify grassroots efforts that strive to transform their community, neighborhood, and town for the good of all. We have found that crowdfunding is the best way to ensure that projects are responding to a need in their community and have community buy-in for their projects.

To ensure that all projects are responsibly practicing crowdfunding, we have developed donor requirements:

1. Meet the Sustainable CT minimum crowdfunding donor requirement.

This is your crowdfunding goal (not including Sustainable CT's match) divided by 100. (Ex: your crowdfunding goal is $5,000. $5,000/100=50. You must have at least 50 crowdfunding donations at any level.)

2. We welcome donations at all levels, however any donation that exceeds 35% of your crowdfunding goal will only be matched by Sustainable CT up to the 35% threshold.

Ex: If your crowdfunding goal is $7,500 and you receive a donation of $3,000 (40% of your crowdfunding goal), Sustainable CT will only match up to $2,625 (35% of goal) of the $3,000 donation.

3. While the project leader (individual, group, organization, or municipality) may donate to theirown campaign, any donation that exceeds 20% of your crowdfunding goal will only be matched by Sustainable CT up to the 20% threshold.

Ex: If your crowdfunding goal is $7,500 and you donate $2,000 to your own campaign (27% of your crowdfunding goal), Sustainable CT will only match up to $1,500 (20% of goal) of the $2,000 donation.

4. If you exceed your crowdfunding goal by $500 or more, you must provide Sustainable CT and donors with an updated budget on how the additional funds will be used. This updated budget will be included on your project page to update your donors on how the funds will be used.

Eligible Project Examples

NOTE: For all projects, we encourage project leaders to minimize adverse environmental impacts by following environmental best practices and using environmentally responsible products and services.

Arts and Culture and Local Economies - Projects that promote local arts and creative culture, enhance community spaces, and/or support local business and tourism.

Renewable and Efficient Energy Use - Projects that utilize or increase the use of renewable energy and reduce energy use in community facilities and public spaces.

Public Transportation - Projects that improve or create sustainable mobility options, including walking, biking, and public transit.

Land and Natural Resource Protection - Projects that promote the protection, conservation, and sustainable use of lands, waterbodies, and other natural resources.

Healthy & Sustainable Food Networks - Projects that provide food & health education, increase food security, and promote local food production.

Waste Reduction - Projects that promote reuse and reduce waste.

Equity and Inclusion - Projects that create more equitable, inclusive, and connected communities.

Ineligible Project Examples

  • Planning exercises and other municipal projects that are not public-facing and will have no aspect of community engagement.

  • Projects that are already funded through an organization or municipality’s budget.

  • Events limited to the membership of a specific organization that are not reasonably accessible to community residents.

  • Fundraising for a pool of funds to be re-granted to others or used for an unspecified purpose in the future.

  • Fundraising for a business startup costs, or for projects through which a local business is charging a fee for a product or service.

  • Political advocacy focused on an individual politician or party or a specific piece of legislation.

Questions on Eligibility?

The Sustainable CT Community Match Fund is a dynamic program that provides fast, flexible funding and support for engaging your community on wide-ranging sustainability projects. To get the process started or if you have any questions on your project's eligibility email us at [email protected]. Download a PDF version of the Community Match Fund Eligibility Requirements here.