
Support in Winning Federal Grant Funds for Your Town

The 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL, also known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, or IIJA) provide unprecedented funding opportunities for climate solutions, clean energy, infrastructure improvements, and more. Sustainable CT and our partners are eager to help your town develop winning community-led proposals to bring funding to your town and improve the quality of life for all.

View a recording of our May Coffee Hour to learn about the supports available to your municipality through Sustainable CT and our partners, and to tell us what will be most helpful to your municipality in securing federal funding.

Please check back regularly for updates!  

Equity Coach Support: Co-Create Projects to Benefit All Residents

Project Partnership and Letters of Support

Support from the Councils of Government

Support from the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities

Find Funding for Your Municipality

Equity Coach Support: Co-Create Projects to Benefit All Residents

Sustainable CT equity coaches provide no-cost support to municipalities, thanks to a generous grant from the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation. Wondering how to ensure that your federal and state grant proposals advance environmental justice? Interested in co-creating project ideas that help all members of your community thrive? Could you use support in meeting the goals of the Justice40 Initiative? Equity coaches can help your town connect with your community to meet all these goals. Contact [email protected].

Project Partnership and Letters of Support

Your federal grant proposal can be boosted by collaboration with other municipalities and partnership with Sustainable CT.  Contact us at [email protected] to talk about opportunities to partner and increase impact.

Support from the Councils of Government

Some Councils of Government (COGs) offer various forms of grant support to their member municipalities:

  • Capitol Region COG hosts a BIL/IIJA information hub and can assist member towns with planning and implementing eligible projects.
  • Naugatuck Valley COG provides support to municipalities and non-profits in the region to locate and apply for grant funding and has compiled a list of grant opportunities, sorted by focus area. 
  • South Central Regional COG offers technical grant assistance and training to member municipalities.

Support from the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities

The Connecticut Conference of Municipalities (CCM) has introduced a Grant Writing and Administration Consulting Service for member municipalities. Two consultants, evaluated and vetted by CCM, are available to provide grant preparation, writing, and administration services to members. For more information, including contact details for the consultants, please visit CCM's Grant Services webpage.

Finding Funding for Your Municipality

There are many toolkits, grant listings, and other resources for municipalities and organizations seeking federal funding from the IRA and BIL. The list below highlights resources that specifically address sustainability, climate change, and energy. In addition to exploring these resources on your own, Sustainable CT can help navigate this information to identify potential funding sources for your community. To discuss federal funding sources with a member of our team, please contact [email protected].

Resource Name and DescriptionSourceResource Type
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Programs: Clean Energy Infrastructure: A list of energy-related programs under the BIL, with links for more information. US Department of Energy Funding opportunities database 
Connecticut Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Team (CT BILT): Connecticut-specific information, including lists of open funding opportunities, a grants database, special playbooks for tribal communities and rural communities, webinars, and more. State of Connecticut Information hub 
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Resources for State and Local Leaders: An overview of funding opportunities available under the BIL. US Department of EnergyGuidebook 
EV Funding Finder: A click-through questionnaire tool that uses your answers to recommend funding for electric vehicle-related projects. Electrification Coalition Information hub
Federal Climate Funding Hub: A collection of resources including upcoming grant deadlines, informational guides, and more.  America Is All In Information hub 
Federal Funding Opportunities for Local Decarbonization: A database of decarbonization funding opportunities, filterable by sector, project type, applicant type, and more. American Cities Climate Challenge Funding opportunities database 
Federal Funding Resources: An overview of resources available for bicycle and pedestrian-focused projects and programs.The American League of BicyclistsInformation hub

Federal Funding Sources for Municipal Sustainability and Climate Action: A filterable, searchable table of funding programs, with the relevant federal agency, topic area, and other details.

National League of CitiesFunding opportunities database 
Funding Opportunities Table: A list of federal funding opportunities with the responsible federal entity, a brief description, and deadlines. Urban Sustainability Directors Network Funding opportunities database 
Inflation Reduction Act Miniguide: A regularly updated overview for local sustainability officials. Urban Sustainability Directors Network Guidebook
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: Informational resources on the BIL, targeting local government. Connecticut Conference of Municipalities Information hub 
IRA Resources Database: A regularly updated table of climate-related resources for non-federal entities; can be custom filtered to sort by target audience, sector, keywords, and more. America Is All In and RMI Funding opportunities database 
Justice40: An overview of the new federal goal that 40% of overall benefits of certain federal investments flow to disadvantaged communities that are marginalized, underserved, and overburdened by pollution. The White House Information hub 
Local Infrastructure Hub: A resource library containing funding opportunities, deadlines, and technical assistance. US Conference of Mayors, National League of Cities, Results for America, Delivery Associates, and othersInformation hub 
Nature-Based Solutions Funding Database: A filterable database of funding sources and technical assistant for nature-based solutions. National Wildlife Federation Funding opportunities database 
Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships Federal Funding Resources: Multiple resources including stakeholder specific-information, recommendations on spending priorities, IRA and BIL fact sheets, and lists of specific grant opportunities. Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships Information hub 
The Infrastructure Deal: A Handbook for State & Local Government Leaders: A detailed handbook on the BIL, broken into modules. The Atlas Guidebook